LFL | 2019季节| 第15周| 奥马哈心脏vs亚特兰大蒸汽

季后赛较早开始的奥马哈之心和亚特兰大蒸汽队都以2-1进入本场比赛,获胜者晋级季后赛,而输家被淘汰。 LFL Films的摄像头和麦克风将您带入拥挤的衣帽间和更衣室,以无与伦比的方式观看。 Facebook.com/MyLFL Twitter:@MyLFL Instagram:@MyLFL

  1. Damn, as soon as Crouch got injured, Omaha got deflated. They scored a few but, Steam DECIMATED them. Felt bad for that Omaha team.

  2. I'm not a fan of how the typical LFL offense tries to replicate the spread offense in the 11 man game. It leaves the quarterback exposed and puts too much on her shoulders. Look at what happened to Lauren Crouch in this game. She's a good quarterback, but she isn't Superwoman. A better offense would be the wishbone formation Atlanta used to score a touchdown at 1:00:28.

  3. My last comment was written before the end of the game . I do agree with you , Dante Allen's gotta go . He's had his chance . And you know where I would look – Mr. K. Hac , lately of Chicago. Pay the guy whatever it takes to get him to Omaha

  4. "She's known to eat sushi in front of her own fish" haha , nice one Bobby 🙂 But I disagree with both of you,
    that game was over with the first Omaha drop in the endzone . Game over right there.

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