
导演/编剧:泽维尔·多兰(Xavier Dolan)由20岁的作家,导演,制片人和表演者泽维尔·多兰(Xavier Dolan)摄制,这部令人惊叹的半自传式导游探讨了母子之间的动荡关系。 Hubert Minel(Dolan)快活的17岁,非常讨厌母亲。 他轻蔑地看着她,只看到她的过时的毛衣,媚俗的装饰和嘈杂的嘴角里残留着肮脏的面包屑。 在这些令人讨厌的特征的表面之下,隐藏着根深蒂固的机制,而他的母亲一直在如此深深地操纵和内。 休伯特(Hubert)每天都越来越痴迷于一种爱恨交加的恋爱关系,他徘徊在青春期之间,这既是典型的边缘,又是艺术发现,对友谊的开放,排斥和性的结合。 一直以来,他对他曾经曾经以某种方式爱过的那个女人的无比鄙视都被他吞没。 一部惊人的成熟作品,几乎让人发狂,以为一个从未拍摄过短片的少年能够创作出如此放心的电影。 加拿大蒙特利尔公报奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语电影提名。

  1. there are some stupid poeple who just want to insulte others on youtube. Every one can write commentarts but please if you want to insulte someone do that everywhere else!!
    Ya des gens stupid qui seulment veut insulter d autre gens sur youtube. Tout le monde a le droit d écrir un commentair mais pour insulter dautre gens faitez sa autrepars!
    Es gibt dumme leute die andere Beleidigen auf youtube. Jeder hat das Recht Kommentare zu schreiben, aber beleidigen, macht das bitte wo anders
    That Sucks

  2. @bobbob53629 That I am. Mybe now you should have realized your stupidity, I can't possibly be a communist and Nazi at the same time.
    Get an education!

  3. @bobbob53629 I'm a member of an antifascist organization and what the what fuck proves that I'm a homosexual, just yesterday I made up with a girl!
    You are really insanelly primitive, you are not just telling me I'm gay but at the same time you tell me I'm a fascist! Please go to a doctor!

  4. @bobbob53629 L'anglais n'est pas ma langue. Je viens d'Allemagne. Si tu veux nous pouvons parler l'allemand.
    Also, du Synapsenverweigerer, halt einfach dein Drecksmaul! Du beweist nur deine Dummheit!

  5. @1stAma i think you are mad, btw you say that there's nothing wrong about "being gay", i can conclude that you are "being gay" and even more, i can conclude that you are gay. 🙂

  6. @bobbob53629 I'm not homosexual and even if I would be, there would be nothing wrong about it it.
    You are a shame considering you can only speak your langue maternelle! Piss of you uneducated piece of shit!

  7. @bobbob53629 Je ne suis pas homo mais pourquoi tu parles francais, tu as peur de parler en anglais?
    Excuse mon francais, c'est tres mal.

  8. I'm gonna watch this movie tonight once I'm done stealing it online cause I live in a shit hole and would never see it any other way WHoooooo go small town Ontario je m'excuse Xavier!

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