
一月份的Jamazing赞助人:Avijit Singh,Madhan,Bhavya Singh,Sameer,Akash Dhanasekar,Piyush Paliwal,Riju Mahna和Shean Roldhan! 成为Jaby的赞助人,并支持更多类似这样的视频! ___________________________________________________预告片链接: ___________________________________________________社交媒体:〜ACHARA KIRK〜Twitter和Instagram:@AcharaKirk http:// youtube。 com / Achara〜JABY KOAY〜YouTube,Twitter,Instagram:@jabykoay ___________________________________________________ Jaby WEST: Jaby亚洲: JABY KOAY的短片播放列表:https://单击此处订阅,并知道下一个视频何时播放:感谢您的观看! __________________________________________________我最喜欢的电影评论歌曲的鸣谢:精彩片段Reel Kevin MacLeod(根据知识共享许可:由Attribution 3.0许可获得。

  1. Central Bereau of investigation is the Indian agency which investigate special crime cases… May be here the ramika sen(pm of India) orders them to investigate kgf and it's illegal mining or she try to use these police force

  2. Jaby HATES South movies. Doesn't he? Be it that comparison of Bhaagamathie and Durga mati (literally Jaby is the only one who liked Durga mati trailer more) or be it KGF (no matter how good the film is, he refuses to appreciate it hinging onto only editing part) or be it the recent Zombie Reddy trailer he saw or even Laxmi Bomb. He always prefers Bollywood over Hollywood for some reason

  3. The scene you refer to as a medieval church or religious monument is where the one sheik from Dubai who wants to have access to the gold mines in India is going to read his prayers or namaz.

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