
在Cyber​​Gizmo的这一集中,我们探索在Linux上为Wireguard的模板配置文件中安装Wireguard:https://gitlab.com/djware27/wireguard-configuration在Patreon上支持我:https://www.patreon.com/DJWare关注我: Twitter @ djware55 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/don.ware.7758不和谐:https://discord.gg/hQcShnh Werq,Kevin MacLeod链接:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616 -werq许可证:https://filmmusic.io/standard-license工业电影,由Kevin MacLeod链接:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3909-industrial-cinematic许可证:https://filmmusic.io/standard -license音乐此视频“ NonStop”中的音乐使用Kevin MacLeod(incompetech.com)在Creative Commons许可下:由Attribution 3.0许可。

  1. Great work DJ. I was going to do the following. I have a 1.5 gig up and down ISP connection. I have Adguard running on an old mac mini. I wanted to install wireguard on my rasberry pi 4. This way when I'm not home, I can connect back to my own home network and have the traffic go through my home network with AdGuard filtering my requests. All of it configured through CloudFlare for SSL connections. Do you advise against it? Having a VPN for privacy is awesome, but having one with built in adguard is even better.

  2. I this video I talked about not using on the client for the Allowed_IPs, this actually does work ok, the problem I encountered I tracked down to an issue with the way I had pfsense configured, it was not allowing packets to flow across the private wireguard IP space,. The other issue with using just was that the packets going out to the internet were bypassing the Wireguard VPN. Using for the Allowed_IPs the packets will properly flow through the Wireguard VPN, sorry for the confusion.

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