诚实的游戏预告片| 天降

Brad Venable教练奖学金►►https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-brad-venable-coaching-scholarship预告片可告诉您有关您最喜欢的视频游戏的真相:本周是Godfall! ►►立即订阅! ►►http://YouTube.com/FandomGames诚实的游戏预告片| Max Song,Andrew Bird和Spencer Gilbert撰写的《 Godfall》,Max Song编辑。副制片人:Ryan O’Toole监制:Max Dionne #HonestTrailers #HonestGameTrailers。

  1. let's see… A game with a pinch of Dark Souls, Destiny, Monster Hunter, God of War, Doom…

    but no consequence for Dying… Yup, I'll rather play another game

  2. I haven't even heard of Godfall until now. I was surprised when I heard it was on Ps5. From the way the video described it I thought it was another tedious grindy mobile game.

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