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在深夜,一辆载有罪犯的囚车遭到殴打。 如果驾驶员(JavierGutiérrez)想要让自己活起来,则需要从内部和外部保护自己。 订阅:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7关于Netflix:Netflix是全球领先的流媒体娱乐服务,在190多个国家/地区拥有超过1.95亿付费会员,他们可以收看各种流派和语言的电视剧,纪录片和故事片。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 零以下| 官方预告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. Such a regular story!!

    The best Spanish movie I have ever watched is '' the invisible guest ''.. so please guys, if you know movies are as great as that, tell me about it.

  2. SPOILER – …..

    The guy eats the fukin key and those crazy gangsters don't even rush him because he has a damn fire extinguisher??? Really ??? Hahahahaha they would have easily all jumped him …also cop cars no gps?? No radio working ??? Nothing works ?? Tires blown and all of sudden he can drive again ,,?also cop is frozen half dead , shot and injured badly how does he just find the killer Miguel and start fighting him like he is full health lol

  3. Ugh. I hated the ending. He legit cop blocked the poor grandpa. ???


    The movie has so much plot holes. If they were trying to portray the cop as a super good cop who chooses justice over anything, he wouldn’t have let Remis go. What Nano did was horrible and he should have been killed.

  4. The cop could have called for back up when their convoy dissappeared. The cop would have been immobile after he got shot by big caliber rifle in the leg. The rapist he was after couldve just walked in another direction and dissappeared at the castle. And plenty of other stuff you get the point, its ridiculous

  5. ok, if you are transfering an inmate and something is going on you dont stop your truck even with a flat tire, too many things is wrong compare to real transfer unless these cops are so stupid

  6. There are many Spanish (from Spain) shows getting success on Netflix.
    Movies: The Plattform, Below Zero
    Series: La Casa de Papel (Money Heist), Élite, Cable Girls, The Mess You Leave Behind, White Lines
    On HBO, there are shows like 30 Monedas (30 Coins), Veneno, The Head, Patria

  7. I think Netflix tells fibbs.. says no 1 in US today but a dubbed film no 1 in US??? They push their own Netflix low budget films and fake rate it so more people click, more ratings, more money rather than having to pay for proper hollywood films with good storyline and proper special FX. So over it…..

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