美国vs. Billie Holiday-预告片(官方)•Hulu原创

她的声音不会被沉默。 由李·丹尼尔斯(Lee Daniels)执导的《美国与比利·假日》中的比利·假日体验安德拉日。 2月26日首映,仅在Hulu上。 订阅HULU的YouTube频道单击链接可订阅我们的频道以获取最新的节目和更新:http://www.youtube.com/hulu?sub_confi开始免费试用http://hulu.com/start在社会上关注我们Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/hulu/ Twitter上的Hulu:https://twitter.com/hulu Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/hulu

  1. I was so shocked and depressed and disgusted by the horrible things humans do to other humans when I heard this song. i cried because i know it is true. I said every school child needs to hear this but it will never happen. Maybe some will now. A human being is a human being. PERIOD.

  2. Any one who did a 'thumbs down' ought to just … IDK … F-off?! Haters always try to drag others down to their own loveless, miserable level … Shame …..

  3. in 1972 the world needed Diana Ross to revive Lady Day's music which for the most part was out of print since 1959. In 2021 the world NEEDS to know about the real struggles of Billie Holiday!

  4. WOW!!! Check out the powerful and poignant performance of Strange Fruit by the amazing 3 MO' DIVAS on the Showbiz Stories channel! A very unique arrangement combined with the rarely heard Lament!

  5. I always thought this song was the most powerful, emotional, historic all together in one song.I was playing a pandora playlist that was about the blues while doing something and this song came up. This was the first and only song that gave me chills down my spine and distracted me from what I was doing at the time, and I didn’t even know exactly what the meaning meant. FYI, I highly recommend checking out the actual audio/video clip of last day singing this master piece. That’s what raw emotion and talent looks like. One does not get to see that anymore, such a waist of time

  6. Strange Fruit is a song that always sends chills down my spine. It's truly haunting, beautiful and tragic all at once. I'm hispanic but it makes me embarrassed say that as human beings we can treat one another like that.

  7. This is the story of what kicked off the war on drugs and how Billie was aggressively pursued as a scapegoat to perpetuate it by the FBI. It has been inspired by Johann Hari's book 'Chasing the Scream: The first and last days of the war on drugs' By the book or search out any of hari's talks either on his first book about depression or his second mentioned above. He's written an article on this debacle in politico entitled 'The Hunting of Billie Holiday'

    Hulu should be giving him more props!

  8. Currently Hulu is only available in the USA and haven’t taken the leap to extend their services to the UK or any other countries. Well to your shame Hulu.. cos we are going to miss out on this classic . . Rich.

  9. Andra baby…..acting is your calling. The way she portraying Eleanora Fagan is unlike anything I’ve seen. Diana did her thang back in 72 but for the new girlies she blew it out the water.

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