
零点已经发掘出来,特工琼斯需要所有现实世界中最伟大的猎人的帮助。只有最好的猎人才能完成任务岛。 扮演Bodalties作为The Mandalorian,但不要和他身边的孩子太近,您可能会后悔。 用变身的野蛮战士兼土地捍卫者Mave击倒敌人。 当然,你不能空着肚子去任何地方吧? 与Mancake战斗威胁(和饥饿),Mancake是在愤怒的平板电脑上创建的烙饼。 有更多的猎人要招募,您能将他们全部解锁吗? 作为一名猎人,您有责任在不稳定的新现实中帮助岛上的人物。 承担他们的任务和赏金,了解周围的环境,或雇用他们成为您的盟友。 不想谈判吗? 挑战他们决斗并获得奖励。 玩完全免费的100人PvP模式Fortnite Battle Royale。 一张巨大的地图,一辆Battle Bus,最后一个站位获胜。 ESRB评分:青少年暴力。 Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:了解更多:https://www.epicgames。 com / fortnite / zh-CN /。

  1. If I have to be honest, I think I kinda predicted Mando being on fortnite. Back in 2019, (I think) I thought "What would The Mandalorian be like in fortnite" I liked the idea. Never knew it was going to actually be true a year later¯_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Right epic games I need to have a chat why haven’t you put travis Scott back into the item shop since it is in his day which only makes sense. Remember make the game good and you will make money

  3. Epic games I have a request to have jason in the game I know tron portal is in the canoe place but it looks so much like camp crystal lake no portal needed even just a slight reference would do

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