《 Farmland》(2014年)官方预告片#1

观看完整的电影,现在可以在YouTube上播放:http://youtu.be/A7gcHchHmJ8通过屡获殊荣的导演詹姆斯·莫尔(James Moll)的这部纪录片,您将踏入农业世界,亲眼目睹农耕生活。年轻的农民和牧场主。 了解他们的高风险/高报酬工作,以及对一代一代传承下来但仍在不断发展的生活方式的热情。 。

  1. farmers in the united states are nothing,whit aut the cheap Mexicans hand work,poor white American farmers they are leaving for thousands the fields every day,the next americans farmers become Mexicans,central americans,and asiatics,for example in Colorado peoples coming for Taiwan are buying acress ,do the americans don't want a work more ,mexcans are buying land to

  2. I'm a third generation farmer and it is like this but we use chemicals. You have to time it right when you want to start planting a certain crop trying to predict mother nature and the value of a crop in the market when it finishes growing. But, one of my favorite times is when the whole family gets together and we pick out of our garden for us and not for commercial use. We spend hours shucking corn and talking.

  3. I can't say enough about what farmers have done to contribute to the success of our country.  I personally hold them in the highest regard, and they absolutely deserve to be recognized – but why do I smell Monsanto money behind this thing? It feels like a response to the "anti-Monsanto", and / or anti – GMO documentaries. Somebody please tell me I'm wrong.

  4. You know what? There is no job that is guaranteed.

    Farmers are not exceptional in that way. Anyone can lose their job or have a bad year or a good year. I don't understand why farming is so glorified in the United States. If it becomes to risky- do something else. You want free market right? You want someone to survive on their merit, right?

    Because you love it isn't a reason. There are tons of things I love but I don't expect to make a living doing it. Why farmers have this sense of entitlement I don't understand.

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