
达尔文奖2020年最好,因为现在已经是2月,但迟到总比没有好,尤其是对于我们心爱的达尔文获胜者。 在此视频中,我向您介绍10位幸运的人,他们在2020年赢得了达尔文奖。我想现在看来,“ 2020年后见之明”现在具有全新的含义! 如果您喜欢别人的愚蠢,这就是您的渠道! 请粉碎该“赞”按钮,以确保您不会获得达尔文奖! 好吧…不会疼吗? #darwinawards #bestdarwinawards#darwinawards2020商业查询联系:[email protected]

  1. Survivors of stupid acts are not Winners of Darwin Awards since their Genes are still intact within the Gene Pool.
    Only those who Pass can be proclaimed Winners.

  2. Black licorice of foreign origin (Australian) with natural flavoring is the type that killed the man. Domestic licorice usually has no real licorice extract in it.

  3. Story #1- I have a relative (by marriage) named Michael and he is one that in comparison makes a rock seem intelligent. I thought that maybe this was about him….again.

  4. I tried to catch a lightning bolt for 12 years using kites and weather balloons, without success. I knew the dangers and went on with my experiments which I believe would have given us cheap, non-polluting energy. I would do it again if finances permitted.
    Maybe I can 'star' in a future episode! 🙂

  5. Number Nine was ANOTHER "Final Destination" inspired death! It's said that you needn't worry; God will guide you to the place of your death…Michael just didn't die the FIRST time.

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