【电影预告】《翻墙热气球》BALLOON 2月13日远走高飞

改编自1979年轰动全球的东德热气球逃亡事迹!两德冷战期间,大量人民为了逃避东德的极权,千方百计想逃往西德,可是东德在边界严密布防,一旦发现逃亡者,就会视他们干犯叛国重罪,马上射杀。无计可施下,彼得和多乐诗一家四口决定试一个前无古人的做法——以热气球翻墙。他们满怀希望启程,却意外坠落,离西德只有几百米。秘密警察手执他们遗下的线索穷追不放,大清算迫在眉睫。为了下一代的未来,他们不惜一切,再次缝制热气球,就算冒着生命危险,也要飞越柏林围墙,投奔自由。 1979, East Germany during the height of the Cold War. Two ordinary families yearning for freedom secretly form a great escape plan to get across to the West: with courage and ingenuity, they build a hot air balloon with small pieces of cloth for their eight family-members to fly over the Berlin Wall. But an initial failure threatens their entire plan, setting off a dangerous race against time for a second attempt, with the State Police now hot on their heels… An incredible true story of resistance. .