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  1. I dont trust evie players anymore because of a hacker that destroyed my first comp match literally we got ejected out of the match

  2. In my head I can't understand how this game is still open, I played it a lot from 2016 to the beginning of 2018 and for me it was a good game, now I got to play recently and honestly it is fucking unbalanced as much as possible, whoever follows it Like playing paladins in the middle of 2021, he has a problem with his head or he's a very fanboy. And I repeat in case now the fanboys of this game come to insult me ​​or tell me nonsense, I played it for 3 years and I loved it, I defended it a lot, but Nowadays it is a fucking video game garbage, overwatch goes around a thousand times being less fun to play.

  3. BRING BACK THE GOOD THINGS FROM THE PAST GOD DAMMIT (we all know what we're talking about) potg's, kill cams, old character skin customization where u can change the head the torso etc.

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