世代| 官方预告片| HBO Max

一代人跟随一群高中生,他们对现代性行为(设备和所有事物)的探索测试了他们保守社区中关于生活,爱情和家庭性质的根深蒂固的信念。 3月11日在HBO Max上播放。 订阅:http://bit.ly/HBOMaxYouTube成为第一个了解更多的人:HBO Max:https://hbom.ax/YT像Facebook上的HBO Max:http://bit.ly/HBOMaxFacebook在Twitter上关注HBO Max :http://bit.ly/HBOMaxTwitter在Instagram上关注HBO Max:关于HBO Max:HBO Max是WarnerMedia的直接面向消费者的产品,提供10,000小时的精选优质内容。 HBO Max为家庭中的每个人提供了强大的编程功能,汇集了HBO,一系列新的原创电影,重要的第三方许可节目和电影,以及WarnerMedia丰富的图书馆中的影迷(包括华纳兄弟,New Line,DC和CNN) ,TNT,TBS,truTV,特纳经典电影,卡通网络,成人游泳,嘎吱嘎吱声,公鸡牙齿,卢比音调等等。 #HBOMax #WarnerMedia。

  1. We need to talk about justice smith’s range cuz he went from paper towns to the get down to detective Pikachu to now this …. I love him?

  2. Ima keep it real with you….this trailer showed me how much my generation is fucked up?(not in the bad way)

  3. WHY CANT THEY JUST MAKE A SHOW LIKE THIS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS.. is that sooo hard to ask for, the actors are in their 20s anyways like wtf

  4. okay when i first saw this i thought "oh god, another "gritty" HBO teen drama" but this actually looks kinda cool… Im so glad we're moving beyond the idea that there can only be one LGBT character or storyline in a piece of media

  5. i love that they both have, gay men, bi men (don’t know, not straight) girls and a girl with gay parents. i have two gay moms and i’m bi so i feel like i can relate to each character in a different way!! can’t wait!

  6. can we just get a larry clark ''kids'' type show something that feels and looks real and not copied and pasted from other shows surprised they didn't play frank ocean

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