船用机舱-三重膨胀蒸汽机-‘SS Shieldhall’

我们前往1955年建造的“ Shieldhall”轮船的机舱,观看其800 hp的三重膨胀双引擎发动机的运行情况。 从南安普敦出发,我们看到船员从船舶停泊处驶入主航道时,船员服从了桥梁的命令。 一旦启动,发动机就可以全速打开。 要了解有关该船如何操作的更多信息,请在此处观看我们的纪录片:https://youtu.be/wBEOSAI2je8要预订该船的旅行,请访问其网站https://www.ss-shieldhall.co。英国 。

  1. This is the closest you will get to hearing what the noise in texas engine room spunded like since texas also used triple expansion steam engines.

  2. What function do those lever things do with the "Full ahead", ect. ? Do they just tell the engineers what to set the engines to, or do they interact with the engines?

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