猎鹰和冬季士兵 "合作伙伴" 拖车(2021)


  1. Fun fact: I work at the mine this was filmed at, you can actually take kayak tours through it. It’s called The Gorge Underground in Red River Gorge, Kentucky

  2. Wandavision
    Falcon and winter soldier
    Zack snyder justice league
    Godzilla vs kong
    Conjuring 3
    Fast and furious 9
    A quiet place 2
    Spiderman : no way home
    Dr.strange : multiverse of madness
    Cap marvel 2
    Blackpanther 2
    Thor : love and thunder
    Ant-man Quantummania

    2021 and 2022 Gonna be ?????????????

  3. Wait, isn't Winter Soldier supposed to be Captain America's boyfriend? I'm sure there's a ting there somewhere in one of the 'verses.

  4. A think they really done the dirty on Bucky. In winter soldier hes a beast going toe to toe with cap. Jump forward to infinity war “here’s a gun Bucky your pretty much useless now” ??

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