
对于那些喜欢蒸汽火车的人,我们为您准备了一个很长的视频。 跟踪全国各地的11种不同的蒸汽机车,包括一些数十年来一直使用新恢复的蒸汽的机车。 视频中看到的引擎包括:Pere Marquette 1225 Nickel Plate Road 765 Norfolk&Western 611 Southern 4501 Milwaukee Road 261 Union Pacific 844 Southern 154 as Tallulah Falls 78 Everett Railroad 11 Arcade&Attica 18 Boone&Scenic Valley 8419 Wilmington&Western 98 Don别忘了评论,喜欢,分享和订阅美国东部许多伟大的铁路活动! Dynamo Productions网站:http://www.dynamopro.net/ DYP Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/DYProd DYP Twitter:https://twitter.com/ELMSLines。

  1. Can we just make a petition to bring the steam program back like if you agree I don’t know how to do that but if we work together and some donations it can happen and it’s stupid that when lots a people donated to the people who were restoring 611 hopefully knowing that it would run on the main line but only ran for a few years now we have a perfect locomotive that can run but has nowhere to run it’s stupid

  2. السلام عليكم استاذ محمد رشدى المحترم وتسلم لمجهودك الراقي ولك فائق التقدير من كبير العائلة الحاج على سبس
    اللهم لا تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا استغفراللة لى ولكم

  3. Dynamo Productions could you do Steam Trains but this time with those in Canada, China, the UK, Ireland, Switzerland (My home), Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Cuba please?

  4. 36:17 engines of this class are just about THE last in regular service anywhere in the world, with a few others scattered. Sandaoling is taking their remaining 4 JFs out of service at the end of the season; sad I never got to see them.

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