圣诞老人的提示:使用VPN的在线购物| NordVPN

认识真正的购物专家,圣诞老人,他一年365天购物。 在这个假期里,他对安全上网购物有何建议? 全年都有圣诞老人商店。 送礼物。 而且他只有一个晚上将它们运送给世界上所有的孩子。 那么如何安全地在线购物呢? 首先,请始终注意网址栏。 诈骗网站会尝试将您重定向到伪造的购物网站,但网址栏会把它们拒之门外。 小心! 另外,请确保您访问的网站使用HTTPS。 不是HTTP,而是HTTPS。 就像S代表圣诞老人。 S非常重要。 有时,圣诞老人必须购买最后一刻的礼物。 因此,他要求鲁道夫在附近有Wi-Fi的咖啡店停放雪橇。 但是,无论何时连接到公共Wi-Fi,请确保使用VPN,以防止顽皮的黑客窃取您的个人数据。 圣诞老人使用NordVPN。 一键点击,他的在线数据被加密。 他确实购物很多。 在匆忙中很容易迷失方向,但他始终会跟踪购买情况。 而且您也应该! 监控您的信用卡对帐单并质疑您未进行的购买。 。

  1. worst vpn company in china ever. try to seduce you to buy 3 yrs plans, and vpn working extremely poorly in mainland. i have 100mbps internet, but nord only reaches 1 mbps. pathetic. tried to reach out for help, and the so called supervisor does nothing but humiliates my limited understanding of IT knowledge. now i am glad i walk away. i cant imagine such an international company use cheap tactics to cheat money from customers in china. nord advertises they have 50K+ connections, but in china mainland, there are less than 15 actually works. what i mean work is you can barely open google search engine, if you ever think you can stream youtube avboe 480p, dont even think about it. i am glad i cancel the nord immediaely after i find its problem. i hope people do test service before you committee to 3 yrs plans .

  2. Hi Santa, all I want to know for this Christmas is:
    When I am connected to a nordvpn server on my home WiFi, and then I connect to a coffee shops WiFi. Do I have to manually reconnect to server once i am connected to coffee shops WiFi or does it automatically connect to the original server which I was connected to in my home.
    Happy holidays everyone

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