没有活动| 第4季官方预告片| 派拉蒙+

这个赛季,特工尼克·库伦(尼克·卡伦(Patrick Brammall))终于实现了加入联邦调查局的梦想,但很快发现成为一名联邦调查局的“特工”并不是他所期望的那样。 当他被分配到一个看似枯燥的观察细节时,他以新兴的邪教组织的形式找到了潜在的职业案例,而当大规模的行动针对该邪教组织时,尚不清楚哪一方会首先打破。 尽管获得了晋升,库伦的前进之路仍然与前搭档贾德·托贝克(Judd Tolbeck)(蒂姆·梅多斯(Tim Meadows))相遇,后者也正在与自己的新搭档适应生活。 从4月8日开始使用Paramount +进行流媒体播放。了解更多信息https://bit.ly/3aKQHj7关注Paramount +以获取最新消息:Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ParamountPlus Twitter:https://twitter.com/paramountplus Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/paramountplus/。

  1. Sims 4 looking ass characters, generic settings that are easy to draw up and a framerate of literally 10 fps. Wow, let me guess the budget… 10 dollars and an extra granola bar?

  2. I really like this art style but the animation is horrendous. I know what you're going for but the timing is just very off most of the time.

  3. saying they should up the frame rate is like telling the director of a black and white movie they should colorize the footage before releasing it

  4. This low frame-rate animation is just ugly and hard to look at. I understand trying to be stylistic and different, but this animation hurts the eyes. Why not just do the standard 24 frame-per-second stop-motion animation? Honestly, that single aspect alone would keep me from watching this show.

  5. I'm sorry, but the terrible stop motion type visuals just look too awful to keep me invested. It looks as though more than a few frames were intentionally cut out for an attempt to flourish the movement of the characters although it makes it look as though we're time jumping or watching a set of poorly edited frames trimmed. Watch a preview for Hulu's Crossing Swords (which has better stop motion visuals), and then come back to this title. The shots with the moving vehicles or background characters walking makes it less of an eye sore. I literally have to watch this trailer in 1.75x so my eyes are compatible for viewing. I don't know if it's the show-runners trying to be unique with their direction, but as someone who will be looking forward to Paramount+, this title will not be in my recommended.

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