Steam Audio,Tarkov街和跳蚤市场理念-Pogcast第45集

在Pogcast的这一集中,我们将分解Niktia所关注的最新Podcast,以及他提供给我们的所有新信息。 我们谈论即将发布的补丁12.10、12.11的某些计划功能以及一些长期目标和变化,我们希望这些变化是我们希望从塔可夫逃脱而来的。 一探究竟! 我们还提供仅音频体验,请使用下面的链接进行确认! 音频:检查JesseKazam Twitch: Twitter: Discord:请确保查看Veritas Twitch: Twitter: Spotify:在此处查看有关LED墙的内部视频: #EscapeFromTarkov #Tarkov #PogCast。

  1. i always go either full class3 or class 4 armor. above that is just a waste of money. 400 rouble rounds can get you through class 6 so idk whats the point then..

  2. re 1:20:00 : This is my second wipe I've played. I'm at lvl 21, 118 raids, 41% survival rate, 1.66 kdr(19 pmc, 94 scav), my stash is worth 13,442,092, just yesterday i installed Stash lvl 2, I am struggling to get Yaeger to lvl 2, and I have 1.4mil in hard cash.

  3. i been thinking about speed running or trying a no death run on sekiro. thats easily my best from software game dark souls 3 has too many bosses that really give me trouble. i can beat them but it sstill rough

  4. the problem with low ready positions it that its just feels wrong and mices have mostly 2 main buttons which will suck in controls and raising the gun in a gunfight should be naturally done without think about if you wanna survive

  5. You know someone is a Goldeneye veteran if they beat the first level fast enough to get the invincibility cheat. It probably took me well over 200 attempts to get that done.

  6. ammo idea is rly good. i craft most of my ammo and its 500k cheaper than buying on the flea… im not a chad either ive never worn a slick (i still have that one slick from the quest reward). I think ammo and guns should be craftable or only traders/barters not flea market

  7. I second them licensing all the models to other studies but we should not add the 5.56 scar since it really is inferior and offers nothing over an m4/hk/mcx and the 7.62 is actually used.

  8. I'm always broke because the only way for a new/bad players to make money is pistol running and scav raids. I try to quest but I die and my roubles tank, I then have to farm interchange to be able to quest again

  9. Have you guys ever thought there bringing in all these guys 1, because there gun nuts, but 2 because weapon durability bight be worse on some guns compared to other so it would be better to have a huge selection because of that? Just speculating ?

  10. If the lore of tarkov is the traders hosting a market place in this failed state, they most definitely wouldn’t allow individuals to resell items they ALREADY sell. This would be a drastic but interesting change. Lets give it a try – it’s a beta!

  11. I feel like there’s no middle class because of people like me. I rat run and invest everything into rushing Bitcoin farm staying dirt poor until i get it. And then the money starts coming in and now I’m running slicks and hex grids.

  12. This is my first wipe ever playing the game, I rushed the bitcoin farm 50/50 GPUs in about a month and I can just run the best gear whenever I want all the time now.
    I kinda feel like I missed something without having to struggle much.

  13. On the tick-rate issue – simply increasing the tick rate could make things worse if one of the issues is the result of processing queue times. Sending more data to clients while a particular calculation is still stuck in queue may only amplify the desync.

    Tracking down an issue like this would require closed testing with huge amounts of logging data on both servers and clients. When does a client action hit the server? In what order? When is each individual action processed? When is it sent out to each client? When does each client receive it? Does the outbound order make sense in the context of the exchange between the two clients?

    I think their issue is in the architecture of the server software, and is probably fundamental, not trivial. That's why you see them so apprehensive about addressing the topic.

  14. first time listener. just recently got into Tarkov in late February. Im so glad this popped up in my recommended videos, love the ideas. and the thoughts on the future!

  15. I have 0 to 5 but I just unlocked bitcoin farm and I have been putting as many graphics cards in the farm as I can. Last wipe by this point I have level 3 maxed out with money rolling in and I also had probably twice the hours in. Been busy with life this wipe. It all depends on the hours you are able to put in. PERIOD. If you have the time to put in especially early wipe you can be rich 100%. I have a survival rate of 55%. I know the game. I have thousands of hours I just haven't played enough to get rich. It has to be an equation. Skill + hours ÷ rng × how much you care about money lol idk

  16. Man if you don’t know anything about networking then let’s leave that to the people who do. Net code is nothing more than a buzzword. The server architecture has more to do with the Desync than the software does. Rust is on the same engine and it runs fine. They are using shit hardware and that’s 90% of the problem

  17. I struggled last 2wipes rarely hit 2 mil but had fun I’m only lvl 36 but have 12mil cuz Bitcoin aswell as just learning untouched loot runs first 3mill was red gp then got bc hit 8mil then found ultra medical in random jacket but I’ve been bored quests are repetitive and I’m stuck on shoreline stuff I don’t enjoy meta kits so I do budget or something and it’s more fun but god I hate al the chads

  18. What about a flea market idea: along the lines of depending on the last raid you did, whatever map you went to, you would get put into that “bucket” or “region” of flea market, like customs/factory/interchange could be one, reserve/labs, and shoreline/woods just based off regions or areas. It wouldn’t force players to one single map but also wouldn’t force them to go a different map every time. It would just depend on the supply and demand of the loot in that region, and then you might want to check the other markets, my going elsewhere. Loot would not be region based you can put any FIR item on to any regions’ flea. Then making cool ideas like “oh i’ll put a cpu from interchange on the flea at reserve for extra profit” or whatever.

  19. These guys are trying to promote a level playing field between the casuals and hardcore players…. same thing happened to destiny and it ruined the game. It’s a hardcore game and you should be punished to some degree if you are unable to put in the same time as someone else. No contrast between these two, they agree on everything… this podcast sucks IMO.

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