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  1. QOTD: well here's the thing,,, im level 30 on the asia server, but every match i get are with level 100+ enemies and trolling teammates.

  2. how do you "counter" 3 of your team member running it down 2/10 fed as fuck top/mid/jg??? whats the advice for that bullshit? Cause it happens every other game!!!!!!

  3. If I lose a few games in a row, I stop giving a fuck. The ratio of bad feelings when I lose isn't exactly equal to the ratio of good feelings when I win. I tend to care too much and because that care causes emotion I start caring less. Ultimately it's just a game and I feel ridiculous for caring at all. So yeah ? nowadays I play for me and me alone. I've learned many times over that at least if it's my fault I can only get so mad at myself, but if I mistakenly think that I had a teammate now I have a problem.

  4. What I appreciate about League is that there are cerebral options too. I am good strategically with awful mechanics, and I mean AWFUL. So I play Shaco, who's not mechanical but needs some thought and he really clicked for me. It's just nice that there's something for everyone.

  5. I chase and go all in way more often than I should. Rather than kamikaze, it just leads to feeding and frustration. It's a bad habit I really need to break

  6. My problem is getting snowballed, tilt hard and not being able to get back into the game.

    You also never know if you’re matched up with diamond smurfs which really makes you question if you’re bad or they just mastered the game and stomp you all the time.

  7. Recently hit d4 and I’m by no means a pro but fr if you’re able to farm perfectly and play around your team you’ll see great results. You don’t always have to be the win con.

  8. I am new to the game (started this week) and don't know how to farm/what to do when I go 1 v 2 in top lane. It is just surpressing and my teammates won't help me. Does anyone know some advice here? Would be appreciated

  9. I still have a 53% wr in Solo Queue as Jungler, but my last 20 Games were 4 Victorys, 15 Defeats and 1 Remake. Played in about 4 Games.

    I don't think i'm necessarely bad player, but I can't find a way to not unlucky land into the half of the queue , where you bot lane goes 2/19 together in just 15 minutes and your top lane cries all day and pays 650 Gold for potions in minute 13 as Renekton vs. Ornn, while you and most of the time your premade Mid Laner are just thinking "what the fuck are we going to do…? this is unwinnable."

  10. You learn the game make silver and then are about to hit gold but they take zz rot and banner of comman out the game exile ancient coin change the runes and ruin it every single patch

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