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  1. QOTD: lately I’ve been playing tristana top lane to make their engage useless, and then I carry the team fights with my insane damage output

  2. I dont care what you say you can't always carry bad teammates. Pros can because people arent complete morons in pro divisions. So most of what you say is irrelevant.

  3. OHHHH, i win early most of the time, i win my team leads, guess what happens next? They run down a lane and permashove the enemy top tower for 5 minutes, then gets ganked and dies, does he leanr? no. He does the same thing 5 more times. Now the enemy trynda runs everyone on our team down. No, no i cant climb with getting me and my team ahead

  4. see i smash my top lane to the point it becomes a 4v5. problem is, by the same token with a shocking consistency my bot lane decides to uno reverse card my ass and make it a 3v4. Every. Fuckin. Time.

  5. I choose Veigar for mid, and now I can win game even if my team is full of noobs. If enemy counter me I play super save and only farm. If I know that I cant fallowup to help other line bcs enemy mid is ganging i just start ping teammates screen to back and if they listen enemy mid losing cs = win. min 20 one shot all gg

  6. It's bullshit have coach , they'll tell your mistake after you do it. Plus I'll loose more games then i'll win until I improve so it's waste of money. (Correct me if im wrong)

  7. yi in my team int die 7 time a row
    yi in enemy team penta kill
    adc in my team just walk
    adc in enemy team i can destroy all tank assi all

    supp in my team just tun ahhhhh run run sry

    in enemy team 1 hp i kill him oohh no enmey supp save them and is turn on me i die and i broke my mouse

  8. I tried “elo hell “ before. The games can be carried when playing jungle even with 3 losing lanes however they have to want to win. I played a game in silver 3 hard inting lanes. We were about to win but Mid lane was trying to lose on purpose plus 3 clueless splitting players. That’s the only scenario you can’t carry however that happens quite a lot in silver/gold elo. I feel for yall. Try duo with a friend that’s higher elo

  9. Winning lane hard-> team goes 0-10 before 15 minutes-> lose game. Been like this for 30 games in a row now, i think Riot hates me

  10. Imagine how shit teammates are i was 25/2/4 my MF was 18/4/6 my mid was 12/1/10 top was 11/5/7 and my support was okay their team had a 1/11/2 jax 12/10/9 yasuo 5/10/3 tristana and a 0/10/5 zed and we lost and this is in bronze league its not high elo but still

  11. I just won an impossible game with 43 kills with 2 deaths. Oml man I had jungle, adc, support different but wom with only my mid and me.

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