门徒| 官方预告片| 阿迪亚·莫塔克(Aditya Modak),柴坦亚·塔玛尼(Chaitanya Tamhane)| 马拉地语电影| Netflix印度

如果您停止追求卓越,您是否曾经追求卓越? 音乐家的忠贞不渝,对海市rage楼的追求,以及与自己平庸的勇气作斗争。 门徒的故事是印度古典歌手莎拉德·纳鲁卡(Sharad Nerulkar)在一个永不停止喧嚣的当代城市中寻找传统绝对声音的故事。 这部电影的明星演员包括Aditya Modak,Arun Dravid,Sumitra Bhave,Deepika Bhide Bhagwat和Kiran Yadnyopavit等。 赶上4月30日,只有在Netflix上,门徒才能发出正确的和弦。 导演:Chaitanya Tamhane制片人:Vivek Gomber执行制片人:AlfonsoCuarón在以下网站上关注Netflix印度:网站:https://www.netflix.com/ YouTube:http://bit.ly/NetflixIndiaYT Instagram:http://www.instagram .com / netflix_in Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/NetflixIN Twitter:http://twitter.com/netflixindia #TheDisciple #ChaitanyaTamhane #NetflixIndia。

  1. Marathi shastriya sangeetala margeeya sangeet ughech nahi mhanat.

    Ragachaya madhyamatun
    Parmeshwar paryant pohchnyachi vaat dakhavli ahe .

    Ya vate bar jar chalaycha asel

    Tar ekta


    Upwashi rahayala shika

  2. There’s so much more than money and comfort in life. We each have a purpose. I learnt this the tougher way. Time gone. But the Lord is still so kind and merciful.

  3. So happy to see Indian Classical getting the recognition it deserves in its own homeland. And movies like this being made in Marathi. Thanks Netflix

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