9大现场表演中的最佳表演-The Voice 2020

重温来自The Voice的前9位艺术家的凯利(Kelly),传奇(Legend),布莱克(Blake)和格温(Gwen)的表演。 »获取语音官方应用程序:http://bit.ly/TheVoiceOfficialApp»订阅更多内容:http://bit.ly/TheVoiceSub»在NBC上观看每周8 / 7c的语音! »现在流:http://bit.ly/TheVoiceFullEpisodes社会上的声音:像声音:http://Facebook.com/NBCTheVoice跟随声音:https://Twitter.com/NBCTheVoice跟随Instagram上的声音: https://instagram.com/nbcthevoice/ #TheVoice#TheVoice2020 #TheVoiceUSA #NBC #Music #Compilation #BlakeShelton #GwenStefani #JohnLegend #KellyClarkson NBC的《 The Voice》跟随全国最强的歌手并邀请他们参加本赛季的大片比赛声乐比赛。 在此处查找“语音”预告片,整集精彩内容,预览,促销,剪辑和数字独家报道。 NBC ON SOCIAL:YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/nbc Twitter:http://Twitter.com/NBC Facebook:http://Facebook.com/NBC Instagram:http://instagram.com/nbc关于声音屡获艾美奖四次的音乐比赛系列《声音》(The Voice)与来自全国各地的最强歌手一起回归演出的最新季。 摇滚偶像和流行文化现象Gwen Stefani在第19季与超级巨星教练Kelly Clarkson,John Legend和Blake Shelton一起收回了红色椅子,Carson Daly再次担任主持人。 该节目的创新形式具有四个竞争阶段:盲人试镜,战斗回合,淘汰赛和现场表演节目。 在盲人试听期间,音乐家教练的决定完全基于声音而不是外观。 如果教练对艺术家的声音印象深刻,他/她会按一个按钮来为他/她的团队选择艺术家。 票数最少的歌手将每周被遣送回国。 最后,一个人将被命名为“ The Voice”,并将获得唱片合约的大奖。 9大现场表演中的最佳表演-The Voice 2020 https://youtu.be/GdNVlsr1cc4 The Voice http://www.youtube.com/user/nbcthevoice。

  1. Billie Eilish when the party's over
    bastille pompeii
    carter rubin before you go
    cami clune when the party's over
    kelly clarkson broken and beautiful
    john legend ordinary people
    john legend glory
    adame levine lost stars
    nick jonas spaceman
    gwen stefani make me love you
    gwen stefani a sweet escape
    john legend all of me
    cody simpson all day
    britney spears toxic

  2. Blake should take Ben Allen on the road with him and do a duet with him to help promote Ben's career. Ben is a good country singer. And so is Ian Flanigan. John Holiday is a force to be reckoned with on the club circuit. So many good singers I wish all of them could get record deals. And special dates for performances. Desz sang her heart out and moved me with her voice, plus check out her gown, it's beautiful. Wow, can the lady sing or what, she's terrific. The voice has a wonderful designer and dresser for each contestant. Always love to see what each of the contestants is wearing. The fashion gets better as the number of contestants gets down to 9. The Voice band and backup singers are the best. I give them a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. Multiple stars for each band member, especially the drummer, he's a joy to watch, he has so much rhythm and moves. But then again, all the band members are totally Fabulous. Love them.

  3. Jim Ranger you did Arkansas proud! You were perfect every time you performed! You really touched my heart with the love for your family! You are not only a GREAT singer, but, a GREAT EXAMPLE for men today!

  4. Best performance goes to Kelly for her overly dramatic and totally phony crying fit when Desz completed her song. I had to switch to Antique Roadshow. Pathetic. And Desz was good too…..

  5. Carter has a lovely voice, but his interpretation of the songs needs a lot of work. His performances take me nowhere.

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