Steam市场的大规模新开发!! | TDM_Heyzeus

查看固定的评论在这里订阅!查看我的TopVideos! Steam小组: Twitter:@TDM_Jesus Discord: #TDMHeyzeus Steam市场是大规模的新开发活动! | TDM_Heyzeus TDM_Heyzeus。

  1. yeah after China people massive back to csgo, the all items price keep going up like crazy, we cant buy anything anymore … all price up 30-200%

  2. Personally, it is too much effort and money for very little to no profit. I don't see the point of buying a skin worth €80 at a market crash and then selling it for €85 just to get back around €3 of profit, after the fees. I think the idea of investing in skins is kind of overrated, because to get profit you need to wait. For months. Or even years. Just to get few euros more than you invested… does not look like stonks to me. :/

  3. Bruh.. why do you always ruin nice things? Not everything has to be about flipping skins, why can't I just buy a knife i like for less without children sniping everything on Lunar?

  4. Not worth the risk. Steam takes a cut of 13%. So, your charts are a little dumb, because you will not have a lot of gains. Show me the charts where you will make at least 10-20% gain, not 85 USD to 100 USD where you have to pay 13% for the Steam to be happy when you want to sell…

  5. So about 1 year ago I predicted this would happen (because it happened to Dota 2), bought myself £130 worth of cases, now worth £310. While this is mad stonks, it's always easier with hindsight

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