NordVPN vs TorGuard 2021?哪一个更好? 完整比较

these获得这2个TOP VPN的折扣??1️⃣5个类别的优胜者-NordVPN | 70%折扣:️⃣TorGuard | 使用代码“ vpnpro50%”可享受50%的折扣: NordVPN和TorGuard VPN都在技术和网络安全网站的前十名中脱颖而出。 那么,TorGuard是真正好的VPN吗? NordVPN安全吗? 这些服务中的一种优于另一种吗? 大家可以在视频中找到答案! \ TIMESTAMPS // 00:00简介1:30哪种VPN更快:NordVPN VS TorGuard? 2:50 NordVPN与TorGuard:安全功能3:12 NordVPN的总部在哪里? 3:35 TorGuard VPN是否有无日志策略? 4:05 NordVPN被黑客入侵后安全吗? 4:40 TorGuard是流媒体的良好VPN吗? 4:35适用于Netflix的NordVPN 6:12 NordVPN VS TorGuard-哪一个最适合种子下载? 7:35 TorGueard是否为用户推荐了服务器? 9:00在中国使用哪种VPN:NordVPN或TorGuard? NordVPN和TorGuard都拥有众多的拥护者,他们会发誓一项服务是理所当然的,而另一项仅适用于回收箱。 保持简单,伙计们。 为了提供流媒体,简便性和24/7全天候客户支持,我建议使用NordVPN。 但是对于真正可以调整和微调的应用程序,您应该选择TorGuard。 会员链接免责声明:如果您单击说明中的链接并获得VPN,我们可能会收取佣金。 话虽如此,我们不能让品牌决定我们的观点-如果我们这么说,那就意味着这是我们真正相信的。 通过我们的链接购买不会花费您任何额外的费用,事实上,由于折扣,价格可能会更低。 访问我们的网站:。

  1. Wow he must be getting some heat for his advert for nordvpn every post is getting removed! LOL!!! it seems if you dare yo mention another channel that gives correct info it gets removed. Hint _ and jerry & name for an electrician – go there for better information.

  2. Kindly donot Compare only those VPN who paid like NORD VPN, EXPRESS VPN OR SURFSHARK.
    For me NORD VPN is an Overcrowded VPN SERVICE Which is heavily marketed and promoted


  3. Hi. Good and excellent video. I have a good question for you. Do you know something about Winston Privacy? Do you believe if Winston Privacy is better than VPN??

  4. Pls answer this question
    Why nord vpn is not reialble on chrome extension really for the first time it work but the website loading time was not fast but that ok the after 2 day try to connect to quick connect then it connected me so fast but it didnt work i mean i try alot of websites to open or search but they didnot open but when i disconnect the vpn it open then i uninstall the chrome extension several times but that didn't help me at all pls can u tell me the issue plss

    And i like ur videos ? keep it app ????
    The graphics are awesome

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