
您是否在寻找更多的方法来清除碎屑和生存? 然后,您将很高兴知道即将推出更多生存游戏! 欢迎来到2021和2022年我即​​将发布的15款PC生存游戏。 现在,每年我都会制定一系列大型综合游戏清单,以使人们了解,但这是一种尝试,因为并不是每个人都希望进行40分钟的史诗般的编辑。 这些只是我发现的一些值得注意的游戏,也许您也会发现一些新的东西,尽管让我知道您认为值得包括的我没提到的游戏,也许明年我会为它做一个大清单这种体裁。 好了,现在开始吧。 ►更多即将到来的游戏列表视频的播放列表◄https://www.gamerzakh.com/lists►当天的问题◄您最期待什么即将到来的生存游戏? 简介| 0:00 1.伊卡洛斯-RocketWerkz | 0:50 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1149460/Icarus/ 2.前哨冰川-Doomlord Interactive | 2:42 https://doomlord-interactive.itch.io/outpost-glacier 3.生存:迷路-SimplePlan游戏| 4:07 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1343520/Survival_Lost_Way/ 4.重生生存-PixelCat游戏| 5:27 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198690/REBORN_Survival/ 5.森林之子-夜间游戏| 6:54 https://endnightgames.com/ 6. Undying-Vanimals | 8:22 https://store.steampowered.com/app/638990/Undying/ 7. Eco-Strange Loop Games | 10:01 https://store.steampowered.com/app/382310/Eco/ 8.离开:生存系列-破墙| 12:26 https://store.steampowered.com/app/750200/AWAY_The_Survival_Series/ 9. The Eternal Cylinder-ACE Team | 13:50 https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/the-eternal-cylinder/home 10. Smalland-Merge Games | 15:35 https://store.steampowered.com/app/768200/SMALLAND/ 11.接地-黑曜石娱乐公司| 17:12 https://store.steampowered.com/app/962130/Grounded/ 12.上一个绿洲-驴船员| 18:57 https://store.steampowered.com/app/903950/Last_Oasis/ 13.火山-火山| 21:29 https://store.steampowered.com/app/951440/Volcanoids/ 14。 22:53 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1029780/Going_Medieval/ 15.中世纪王朝-渲染立方体| 24:47 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129580/Medieval_Dynasty/奖励游戏16.瓦尔海姆-铁门AB(炸死了)https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/ Valheim /结论| 27:05。〜►在Twitch上跟随我观看直播! https://gamerzakh.com/twitch♣加入社区纷争! https://gamerzakh.com/discord♥想帮助支持我的工作吗? 我有Patreon! https://gamerzakh.com/patreon您也可以成为YouTube的会员! https://www.youtube.com/gamerzakh/join随着直接支持的增长,我删除了广告,因此您的帮助使我可以为每个人做得更好。 umble Humble Bundle推荐链接https://gamerzakh.com/humble♦T恤和商品https://gamerzakh.com/store»网站:https://gamerzakh.com/»Facebook:https://gamerzakh.com / facebook»Twitter:https://gamerzakh.com/twitter»Instagram:https://gamerzakh.com/instagram»LinkedIn:https://gamerzakh.com/linkedin♫Spotify Gaves Faves https://gamerzakh.com/ Spotify订阅更多,感谢收看! 。

  1. The big one people are asking for not in the video is Valheim! That blew up out of nowhere: https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim
    Hey hope you liked the video! This is a test to see which genres get enough attention to warrant me spending 80 work hours to make a comprehensive mega list as part of my yearly collection. You can help by boosting this in the algorithm by liking the video, but only if you want to. For the main collection of mega lists, check them out here: https://www.gamerzakh.com/lists

  2. I've bought enough early access survival games to expect the worst and hope for the best, haha. I wish some billionaire would help fund this genre so all the games don't end up, abandoned half-made trash.
    Come on Elon, you can support a couple projects.

  3. Can we cancel 14 of these and get everybody together to just make ONE GOOD ONE? It would be nice to actually have at least ONE good survival game to play.

  4. more fking adverts here than on a dedicated advert channel. Wont be back on this fking channel again, FUCKING SPEND MORE TIME WATCHING ADVERTS THAN ACTUAL THAT OF GAMES OR GAMEPLAY!

  5. Whats with your thing about the Epic Store? is there a problem with it? as far as i can tell it pays its creators 5x better than Steam does, and they are on the front lines fighting political battles for the sake of the future industry

  6. Man I just want a bushcraft survival primitive game where you farm resources and build a wooden house and can be creative, eventually hunt or fish animals to survive and collect plants to eat or use as medicine.
    With nice looking graphics and a smooth engine for good performance

    I don't want non of these bullshit survival games with zombies, aliens post apocalypse vibes, machine guns and bad walking animation.

    Pls recommended me something.

    I want to buy my own forrest in real life and build myself nice things.
    Until than something like this would be awesome. Tierd of watching videos on YouTube about bushcraft or rarely doing it myself.

    Edit: medieval dynasty is exactly what I mean.
    Need to try it out.

  7. Let hope The Forest and it's sequel isn't just some racist white boy soldiers shit. Didn't make the connection at first but this one they straight up show some soldiers crashing?

  8. I'm just sitting here waiting for Dead Matter. That being said, Icarus and Reborn Survival look good and I think I'll give Survival Lost way a go. Great video.

  9. From my understanding Smalland is about an ancient small race emerging from the ground and befriending insects.. I think the info and vid you used may be outdated

  10. number 4 is a shithole from the makers of war z aka infestation aka romeos aftermath aka like 9 more titles from the same game- greedy ass scammers

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