家庭助理 WireGuard VPN 安装和设置!

使用该链接的前 1000 人将获得 Skillshare 高级会员资格的免费试用:https://skl.sh/everythingsmarthome06211 使用 Home Assistant 使用 WireGuard 设置 VPN 从未如此简单,在此视频中,我将向您展示如何使用 Home Assistant 安装和配置 WireGuard VPN,我们还讨论了 VPN 究竟是什么以及它与直接端口转发的不同之处以及使用 VPN 的一些优势。,不仅与 Home Assistant 一起使用,而且在一般情况下。 如果您想支持我和未来的项目:Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/everythingsmarthome 运行家庭助理的硬件:Raspberry Pi 4:https://amzn.to/2Dviwyh Raspberry Pi 4 Bundle:https ://bit.ly/31TpS6Z Micro SD 卡:https://amzn.to/3lqBk2v Micro SD 转 USB 适配器:https://amzn.to/2GcAk1P SSD:https://amzn.to/2Pyq5dw Home Assistant Blue :https://bit.ly/31RZM4s 给我买杯咖啡:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EverySmartHome 书面文章:https://everythingsmarthome.co.uk 随处可见:一切智能家居社区不和谐: https://discord.everythingsmarthome.co.uk 推特:https://twitter.com/EverySmartHome (@EverySmartHome) Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/EverythingSmartHome/ Facebook:https://www.facebook。 com/everythingsmarthomeofficial/ #homeassistant #smarthome ________________________ 上面的一些链接是附属链接,如果您点击链接并购买商品,我会从中赚取少量佣金。 您没有义务这样做,但它确实有助于为这些视频提供资金,希望能为您带来价值! 0:00 – 介绍 0:34 – WireGuard 是什么? 什么是 VPN? 3:26 – SkillShare 4:31 – 使用 VPN 的优势 6:08 – DuckDNS 配置 8:05 – 安装和配置 WireGuard 14:20 – 端口转发 15:12 – 安装和测试 WireGuard 客户端。

  1. Lewis, I've chosen to not build all my services inside Home Assistant. While it simplifies setup, I feel like I'm putting un-related services into one basket. And that one basket has to be big enough to support them all. I've built my services in docker-compose and they can run on my server or in s VM. Any thoughts on combining/separating services from HA
    Thanks for the tutorial

  2. Excelent work. One question. With Wireguard installed on Home Assistant, It will protect all the Internet traffic of my home (router)?

  3. Firstly, thanks for the video – I've been kicking around ddns and vpn for a few months and haven't been able to get it all working. This is looking more promising. However, when I add the ssl folder in visual studio it doesn't give me a QR code. And if I exit VS the ssl folder is gone when I go back in.
    Any help appreciated.

  4. Btw WireGuard client has the option to automatically connect when leaving WIFI.
    Go to Edit connection, scroll down and enable Cellular in the "On-Demand activation" section.

  5. Thanks for the great videos. I have HA running on a vm on a NUC. I have docker set up in the NUC for other services, eg pihole. Would it be better to set up wireguard in a seperate docker container or as a HA plug-in?

  6. Cool vids man but please.. breathe.. just breathe.. you sound like you're out of breath all the time although you look super fit. Positive energy is one thing but remember .. just breathe..

  7. Great video?? the VS Code and QR code stuff was new to me. I have a windows box on a vlan and while connected through wireguard I can reach eg HA Lovelace UI of HA and other services but cannot connect to remote desktop tcp/3389. I have a unifi network and guess I have to setup internal LAN fw rules between the wireguard subnet to make it work, correct?
    Eg vlan with windows server on HA with Wireguard server is on network with IP Wireguard client device connects on network with IP address of When connected vi wireguard I can browse to but cannot connect to remote desktop tcp/3389.
    Is a LAN in allow tcp 3389 fw rule in UDMP the only thing required?

  8. Great tutorial, thanks! I've switched from using NoIP+Asus VPN to this solution and I think it's so much smoother. One question. I want to give my friend a config file to tunnel in to my network, he only has OpenVPN client. He doesn't want to get the wireguard app. Can he use the openvpn client to connect to my wireguard VPN server? What files do I need to provide to him?

  9. Great video, thanks .. However when I modify the config for Wireguard (and Yaml is accepted) and press SAVE then I can start Wireguard. BUT … When I go back in the configuration it shows the default settings again ? Any clue as to why tis happens ?

  10. Thank you so much! Yours is the first video that has explained this in such a way that I've actualy achieved a connection to my whole home network.

  11. I asked this on another video, but thought here might be better. Have you connected a Z-Wave USB (or any other method to get Z-Wave) to work on a docker instance of Home Assistance

  12. I always come out learning from your videos. The brief education class on a topic I love.
    It makes me want to understand more about networks and port forwarding! Another great project to save for a rainy day. Keep up the good work!

  13. I used wireguard for a year and the problem is that Alexa devices cant update i assumed this in using wireguard it couldn't work and when I uninstalled wireguard it worked and respond again

  14. What I'm most impressed by is that time and time again I'm looking for a specific topic and you release a video that covers exactly that. Are you a mind reader?

  15. This was absolutely amazing gotten to the point where i have far too many services to use port forwards as i am limited to 8 with my mesh router was looking at doing this soon but was expecting a huge headache love having it in HA as it means its also easily backed up and restored. also love the fact i can now ssh in with ease. 2 questions though 1. this will work on any network outside my own right work wifi etc? 2. is it true whilst connected my pihole(home) will block ads etc. keep up the amazing work p.s actually love the extra info its really interesting to know a bit of background

  16. You made some comments about how to get all traffic, or only some traffic to go through your home network. Let's say you wanted the option later! It looks easy enough to create two profiles (all-traffic, internal-only), I guess I'm wondering if it's just as easy to switch profiles on the phone side back and forth?

    Another q – you said to access Home Assistant on your phone 'by IP address and seeing if the web page opens' – was this meant to exclude the Home Assistant app?

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