Tailscale:带有 Wireguard、零端口和 Unraid 隧道的免费 VPN

Tailscale 是用于构建安全网络的零配置 VPN。 在几分钟内安装在任何设备上。 从任何网络或物理位置远程访问。 在您的服务器、计算机和云实例之间创建安全网络。 即使被防火墙或子网分隔,Tailscale 也能正常工作。 设备仅在通过您现有的身份提供商登录后才能连接。 轻松实施多因素身份验证、取消对离职员工的授权等。 我们将向您展示如何在 Unraid 上安装它,并使用您的服务器来建立与您设备的连接。 ============== 章节 ================ 0:00 介绍 1:45 文档 2:15 创建帐户 3:15 安装 6:25退出节点 7:40 测试 8:10 Magic DNS 9:17 零端口 ============== 链接 ================ IBRACORP – https: //ibracorp.io 文档:https://docs.ibracorp.io YouTube:https://youtube.com/c/IBRACORP GitHub:https://github.com/IBRACORP Unraid 论坛:http://bit.ly /2MwDPTV Discord:https://discord.gg/VWAG7rZ 推特:https://twitter.com/IBRACORP_IO Reddit:https://reddit.com/r/IBRACORP ==============支持我们 ================ 加入我们的网站:https://ibracorp.io/membership/ 加入我们的网站,帮助支持我们的工作。 这真的有助于我们回馈您。 成为我们网站的免费订阅者,以: – 阅读我们的文章,这些文章与我们的视频和我们所做的其他工作相结合。 – 将最新内容直接发送到您的收件箱。 没有垃圾邮件,没有 bs。 – 更多 成为我们网站的付费订阅者以: – 获取仅支持者的独家视频。 – 接收满足您 IT 需求的高级教程和文章。 – 帮助支持独立创作者(和两个孩子的父亲)为您带来最好的内容! ============== PAYPAL ================ 更喜欢通过 PayPal 捐赠? 您可以在这里向我们捐款:https://paypal.me/ramteksolutions 我们非常感谢您以任何形式或形式的支持。 ============== 联系 ================ 如果您需要支持或有任何疑问,您可以加入我们的 Discord:https://discord。 gg/VWAG7rZ ========================================#tailscale #vpn #wireguard #unraid #隧道 #ibracorp #openvpn #virtualprivatenetwork #secure #ovpn #zerotier tailscale vs zerotier tailscale unraid 。

  1. What do you guys think of Tailscale? Have you closed your Wireguard ports now? Let us know your thoughts! We think it's an awesome tool for your server! ?

  2. really appreciate the effort gone in to compiling the video and the documentation. Flawless setup. I have used both ZeroTier and now Tailscale. Both can be configured for Unraid/Synology/etc.

  3. Hey thanks for the great video easy to follow as always and a great alternative. The only issue I've come across is there doesn't seem to be LAN access when connected, I'm unable to access my containers through there ip's is that because I'll have to use the allocated magic name and there port number or is there a way to expose them for tunneled access like you have on wiregaurd?

  4. So I've been putting off setting up a secondary offsite Unraid server for remote backups. If I'm understanding this right, I'd be able to setup tailscale on each of them, and then the primary server would be able to replicate to my offsite server without having to setup any separate tunnels or setup any port forwards.
    The other question I have looking at this, would it be possible to be able to use this to so I can combine two home LANs into a single network (ie. so I can get onto my parent's LAN to remote access/manage things), with only having a single tailscale node in each LAN?

  5. Thanks for the guide. This might be a dumb question (I'm new to this) – can I use this just to access the Unraid gui? or can I also use it to access and use docker containers when out of the house/on different networks? Thanks!

  6. Got it setup and was super easy but having a couple of issues: I can access my server just fine but i cannot use the servername i setup i have to use http://unraid — which works but slight annoyance.

    Secondarily and most annoyingly I cannot access any of my docker containers by clicking the WebUI however if i go to tailscale copy the IP and :port number of the container then it works just fine its just slightly annoying to have to do that and not be able to use the WebUI.

    Lastly: I cannot figure out how to get my VM's to work with it and my main windows 10 VM i have now lost all remote access to even when deleting that machine from the tailscale UI.

  7. You’re bring my UnRaid understanding to a whole new level and this stuff is amazing. every time I have a thing I wanna do IBRACORP probably has the solution 🙂

  8. Hi man, thanks a lot for your tremendous support with UNRAID. I have a very basic question for you: which is the difference between having a VPN, like this and a reverse proxy ? Do we need both ? Are they alternative ? Can they work together and/or simultaneously? thx.

  9. Another awesome video mate. Tailscale looks sweet. Easy to setup especially with the docs and you video!

    Previously I had wire guard setup to connect to my home internet wherever I went. Does Tailscale replace that functionality?

  10. Thanks for this video! Needed this for so long now! However, is this possible with zerotier instead of tailscale? If it is, is it simpler or more complicated? just that i have been using zerotier for a long time now.

  11. Thanks for the video! Very useful as ever! I use Zerotier which is great but does anyone know if they're similar or Tailscale is more secure and quicker?

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