NordVPN 对比 Surfshark 🥇[Price, Servers, Speed, Netflix + More]

83% Surfshark 折扣 👉 70% NordVPN 折扣 👉 In this video,103我比较了 NordVPN 与 Surfshark,看看哪种 VPN 服务最适合您的需求、预算和使用。 我在此视频中对 NordVPN 和 Surfshark 进行了价格、服务器、功能、兼容性、连接的设备数量以及它们在使用 Netflix 时的性能等方面的测试。 免责声明:某些产品链接是附属链接,这意味着如果您购买某物,我们将收到少量佣金,您无需支付额外费用。 .

  1. This April 23rd, 2020, the latest Surfshark VPN discount is 84% for a 25-month subscription. Adding both HackLock and BlindSearch VPN features for an extra $0.99/month during sign up two days ago.

  2. This is an excellent comparison with all important details on the topic. Congratulation for your work.
    I have recently subscribed to Surfshark and lets say the price was the first reason choosing between Nord vs Surfshark but I cant play any netflix show when I connect to US servers. The error message says "Proxy detected". Do you have any idea how to solve this?

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