WireGuard installation and configuration – on Linux

Let me show you, how to install and configure a basic VPN connection with WireGuard on a Linux server and client. We will also have a look at some advanced configuration settings like keep-alive and traffic routing.

DOCS: https://github.com/xcad2k/videos/tree/main/wireguard-on-linux

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00:00 Introduction
01:50 Installation on server & client
02:50 Create private and public server keys
04:24 Configure server interface
07:00 Create private and public client keys
07:34 Configure client interface
10:55 Add Client peer to the server configuration
12:03 Configure persistent keep-alive
13:58 Test the connection via ping
14:30 Configure the server to forward network packets
16:05 How to change clients traffic routing
17:10 Summary

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  1. im looking for a way to host my gameserver with a tunnel/proxy, only got dslite (no public ipv4) ssh tunnl (only works with tcp and wrapping udp to tcp -> latency) i try it now with this.

  2. Good day Christian,

    Was thinking if you can consider doing a video on Wireguard Docker Site-to-Site, specifically Home Server to VPS always-on Wireguard Tunnel ?

    Many Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi, excellent tutorial! It works fine on my linux client virtual machine, but when I made exactly same config (except keys) on my macOS, it connects to the server but doesn't give me access to internet

  4. here are the commands
    -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j A
    CCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING
    -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;


    -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j A
    CCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING
    -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;

  5. I closed the vid as soon as I saw Windows on the screen. You spent a good minute of your video talking about how you teach Linux and that we all should subscribe, yet you use Windows on your personal computer? Is this a joke?
    preach what you teach

  6. what about DNS (it's always DNS 😉
    Don't you need to have a DNS = a.b.c.d entry in the client config?
    I had to add it and then it worked.

  7. Hi I love how simple you made tutorial to follow, the official WireGuard site on the otherhand left me confused. Sadly I can't get this to work for 4g between my phone and PC. I can't find much info on this do you have any idea how I can get this to work? I also tried using tailscale but the app never allowed my phone(LineageOS) to be the endpoint.

  8. Excellent tutorial, Danke. The second time I generated pub/privatekey for the client and tried to run this command "sudo vim /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf" to be able to write the next configuration, it pop up the old vim file where I wrote things about server, so there is where I lost the track. Help plz.

  9. Forgive me, I have tried what you have in this episode, and I have no doubt that you are doing what is correct, it just isn't as easy for me. I am running pclinuxos 2022 MATE, could I trouble you for a link to a step by step guide for this system?

  10. with little to no knowledge of how to configure a VPN this tutorial doesn't make sense, you just jot down a bunch of characters without explaining what it does

  11. Everything was going good until the last part. Setting up forwarding. It seems to revert back to 0 and not allow up forwarding. Any ideas as to why? How can I make this change persistent?

  12. Excellent tutorial, very clear and concise. I went along and it worked perfectly. Did the setup in my Proxmox virtual environment. Now need to experiment further. Thank you!

  13. hi i am using mikrotik to mikrotik wireguard tunnel but when my client side mikrotik reboot due to any reason my tunnels can reconnect automaticly i need to change public key and re submit in server side to reconnect my tunnel again Please help me in this regard .

    am also using change mss rule in mangle

    /ip firewall mangle

    add action=change-mss chain=forward new-mss=clamp-to-pmtu passthrough=yes

    protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn

  14. Hi !!! thanks for the video. I Have it installed in a PI and I can connect and do everything on my iphone but I cant on my PC / MAC /; laptop. The PC/laptop doesnt navigate, I can see the device by pinging them but can't access my resources like nextcloud etc.. Any thoughts ? how to fix this. I have tried this in both Ipad and iphone and wireguard works great. BUt, PC and MAC doesnt..

  15. hey christian,

    frist thank you for the video, because you are using promox as well, could it be a good content for a upcoming video to provide a guide on installing wireguard inside a lxc container WITH are working guy (the last part is what I'm struggling about and didn't got it working with 3 different webuis) and for security reason and the advanced users here: maybe a guide on how to route one client to only specific networks (VLANs).

    greets from south of germany 😛

    oh and for the natforwarding I added these lines on the host itself inside the config after port 51820:

    PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

    PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

  16. thanks. I managed to get it to work. I can ping and ssh between peers, but curl from one peer to the other does not return anything. Is it maybe some apache2 configuration?

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