𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 -2004 ★HD Quality movie scene ★ Epic War ★ Trojan War Beginning ★ Hector & Achilles Dialogue

♞ 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 -2004 ♞ One of the greatest movies ♞ Other Clips: ♞ https://youtu.be/0AL2Aaxr8Yo ♞ https://youtu.be/nOmZougkoGo♞https://youtu.be/lsMHDClSeV0 ♞https://youtu.be/1t2ITro7AFQ ♞ https://youtu.be/I3xZZKaTUwk ♞ https://youtu.be/F9wU8kUx-Vw♞ https://youtu.be/F9wU8kUx-Vw ♞ https://youtu.be/nUEXtbcW_6M ♞ https://youtu.be/Qn4gGXba_gU ♞ https://youtu.be/kP5U0vHTPs0
♞ Brad Pitt as Achilles, Greece’s greatest warrior and leader of the Myrmidons
♞ Eric Bana as Hector, Crown Prince of Troy, commander of the Trojan armies and Paris’ older brother
Orlando Bloom as Paris, Prince of Troy and Hector’s younger brother
Diane Kruger as Helen, former Queen of Sparta who became a Princess of Troy
Brian Cox as Agamemnon, King of the united Greek city-states
Sean Bean as Odysseus, King of Ithaca
Brendan Gleeson as Menelaus, King of Sparta and younger brother of Agamemnon
Rose Byrne as Briseis, princess of Troy, priestess of the Trojan Temple of Apollo and Hector and Paris’ cousin.
Saffron Burrows as Andromache, Hector’s wife and Crown Princess of Troy
Julie Christie as Thetis, Achilles’ mother
Peter O’Toole as Priam, King of Troy
Garrett Hedlund as Patroclus, Achilles’ younger cousin
John Shrapnel as Nestor, Agamemnon’s advisor
Nigel Terry as Archeptolemus, the Trojan high priest
James Cosmo as Glaucus, second-in command of the Trojan armies
Julian Glover as Triopas, King of Thessaly
Vincent Regan as Eudorus, Achilles’ right-hand man of the Myrmidons
Trevor Eve as Velior
Tyler Mane as Ajax
Nathan Jones as Boagrius, Triopas’ champion