Who Were the 5 Greatest Heroes of the Trojan War? – Greek Mythology

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss the five greatest heroes of the Trojan War.

Let’s get into it.

Starting us off is Diomedes.

As one of Helen’s former suitors, Diomedes was compelled to commit his forces to the Trojan war. Helen’s father persuaded all the men who sought his daughter’s hand in marriage to swear an oath, promising to unite against anyone who wronged Helen’s future husband. This is why all of Greece went to war against Troy when Helen was abducted.

Though the fighting prowess and battle feats of each Greek hero were overshadowed by those of Achilles, Diomedes certainly managed to distinguish himself on several occasions. His crowning achievement was the wounding of two gods, Aphrodite and then Ares, in the span of only a few short minutes.

The Trojan war was such a large-scale event that it transcended the ranks of mortality and even reached the lofty heights of Olympus, sundering the pantheon and pitting gods against each other. Apollo, Artemis, Ares, and Aphrodite supported the Trojans; Poseidon, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, and Athena supported the Greeks; and throughout the 10 years over which the Trojan war was fought, it was common for the gods to join the fighting and help their sides directly, flexing their godly powers on the frontlines.

Diomedes was locked in combat with Aeneas, a member of the Trojan royal line and as a warrior second only to Hector. Diomedes overmatched his opponent, inflicting a serious wound. But Aenas blood was more than royal; his descent was also part divine. Aphrodite, his mother, seeing the peril her son was beset by, hastened to his side to bear him away before death took him.

Watch the video for the rest!

  1. Thanks for watching!

    “Like the generations of leaves, the lives of mortal men. Now the wind scatters the old leaves across the earth, now the living timber bursts with the new buds and spring comes round again. And so with men: as one generation comes to life, another dies away.” – The Iliad

  2. i love u fr making this video. i learned some new things. but as a greek i knew most of them. i dont know which iliad u read because there are some different versions i believe. that is why i didnt know some things. keep it up my friend

  3. Every time I read the Iliad I say "Hector". Achilleus was a better fighter, but nobody else. Odysseus was more clever, but nobody else was. Similarly Ajax's strength. And all the rest. He had all the virtues in balance. And if he hadn't been sent off with his idiot brother but without the authority to return Helen to Agamemnon with Paris' head he would have shut down that war before it started. He did a fantastic job even though Priam would not give him power commensurate with his responsibilities. And he went out to fight Achilleus knowing he could not beat him but did a better job than anyone else.

  4. 666= Connected to Solomon and Apollyon. Apollyon was a hermaphrodite as was Alexander the Great and they are nephilim, half Angel half human. So the mark of the beast is in the dna from this bloodline. The locus are hermaphrodites. In my understanding most of the ones controlling the world are hermaphrodites human size nephilim.

  5. Athena: Daddy, this is your princess(…) Pick me.
    Hera:Darling, Do the wise thing and pick me.
    Aphrodite:You've always been my favorite nephew.

    Zeus(To Hermes): Give this important decision to that Paris idi-I mean fine young man.

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