SCP-4545 Trojan Horse (SCP Animation)

It appears when no one is looking. The ridiculous wooden horse doesn’t invoke any fear until the secret hatch opens … I believe that all of the insanity that the miniature cavalry army is causing can be stopped. The plan itself is, of course, a little crazy, but who knows?… What if it actually works?



Before each release of a new video, I give a hint on the Instagram page, you have to guess it!
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The idea in this video, derived from written by Mortos, is published under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0.

  1. That actually COULD work, Detective Void! Re-enacting the battle of Troy with these small horses, dressed in different types of armor would make so that SCP-4545-1's think they've won. Just like in history books.

  2. Would love to see the prank Dr. Bright would pull with this SCP..
    I personally like this one because I would want to see a bunch of little horses causing

  3. Alright people, I'm a subscriber of the Hispanic community of Detective Void and since a while ago I've become addicted to know all the lore of the anomalous world. Anyway.

    In our community there is a series of foundation anomalies, called SCP-ES.

    And within this category I found an anomaly quite, ENOUGH different from the general foundation lore.

    I don't want to give explicit details because as far as I know the SCP community gets a bit touchy with somewhat controversial topics like rape, slavery and many others.

    This anomaly is called SCP-ES-169 "Hentai Dream Come True". I know, the title doesn't seem to promise much, but I promise it's an anomaly that although it covers strong themes it really is very interesting.

    I'd really like to see Detective Void cover this anomaly, obviously not being so explicit, but I really consider it to be quite worthwhile.

    By the way, if you notice any spelling mistakes it's because I'm using a translator, this is not my native language.

    So please, a like for the detective to see it.

    But honestly a reply of a possible consideration for a future would be enough.

  4. From the song Doctor.Void I think you are a clear SCP that will never be contained again and that is a good thing 🙂.

    I even made my own story about you I hope sometime I will make it animation😊

  5. The way horses have smaller horses inside them, and they have smaller horses inside them… Reminds me of Russian babushka dolls🤔 Perhaps Russians had contact with these horse things long ago?

  6. I just noticed something quick theory this is James lee secretly, I got no idea why but the eyes, and James lee glasses are the same deal. Eh

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