Is ChatGPT Plus worth upgrading? For $20 a month 🤔

Check it out:

ChatGPT Plus is the perfect upgrade for anyone looking to take their AI experience to the next level. The always available time means that you’ll never have to wait to get your questions answered. The latest model updates will ensure that you’re always up to date with the latest and greatest AI technology. And the better prompts will help you find answers quickly and accurately.

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  1. Hey there! I'm curious to know what features you're most excited about when it comes to upgrading to the paid plan? For me, API is definitely the one I'm looking forward to in the future!

  2. I could see this being more urgent for a coder, but I don't use chatGPT for that. I use it for research. And the unavailability doesn't actually happen that often for me.

  3. In the free version, there's a limit to how much text can be output per prompt. A way around this is to use "continue" for the follow up prompt. However, the formatting can get pretty wonky with this workaround, and it sometimes skips details, especially with code. Does anyone know if the limit longer for the paid version?

  4. Ana Ferreira
    thank you i'm considering but I´m an older adult that need Chat gpt for learning mathematics , and now the visual presentation of step-by-step solution is still limited.

  5. Which AI would you advice to use for marketing content copy, fb and google ads, ecom product descriptions, email marketing and sales funnels?

  6. As a programmer it’s definitely worth it. I signed up as soon as I had the option. It will be a core part of my work flow going forward. While the code samples are useful, the fact that it acts like a kind of living documentation that you can ask follow up questions to is a total game changer. Devs are bombarded my new frameworks and platforms constantly and it’s difficult to keep up. I’m writing an article for my company now about how incredibly quickly I’ve picked up Python using chatGPT as my primary learning source. Yes, I did check it against other sources to confirm what it was telling me. 🙂

  7. hi, am wondering how the paid version is versus the availability of chatgpt on Bing which supposedly features chatgpt 4

  8. Isn´t Microsoft going to include an improved version of ChatGPT on their Edge browser built in for free? Then why the $20 USD?

  9. I am testing premium since today. Want to support OpenAi even if they are well funded. Will probably cancel before next payment, lets see how it goes 😂

  10. People who paid for the premium version report that they are just as often refused entry as on the free version. Nor have any reported greater speeds to me greater speeds.

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