5 ideas for your own AI grift with ChatGPT

ChatGPT could start a new technological gold rush for artificial intelligence startups. Let’s look at 5 business ideas for GPT-3 and analyze the tech stacks of real companies using deep learning today.

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🔗 Resources

ChatGPT https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
MidJourney https://midjourney.com/
DeepMind https://www.deepmind.com/
Tech Trends in 2023 https://youtu.be/1v_TEnpqHXE

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🔖 Topics Covered

– How to make money with ChatGPT
– What are the drawbacks of AI?
– Will AI replace humans?
– What is the technological singularity
– Ways to integrate AI into an app
– What is MLOps?

  1. Correction: GPT-4 will not have 100T parameters. The exact number is not known, but apparently this number is just an Internet rumor.

  2. Speaking on #3 When I was in college,I remember wondering why does anything have to be pixelated, you just fill in the blanks with you best guest. I called it "Digital Telescope" never thought it would be a reality

  3. And some people think that OpenAI lets us use their tool for free. LMAO.
    We are just doing supervised learning to improve it, more and more people and companies will pay for its use, and the typing monkeys are just perfecting the model.

  4. Hi, this is the first youtube channel completely managed by the A.I.


  5. I think biggest impact of generative AI should be a demonstration for humans, how rivalry and carnivorous, greedy gold rush level competition is just too ridiculous and leads us to molochian dead end, and humanity's only hope is cooperating and helping each other actively using AI tools for that.

  6. He kinda skipped through the whole hardware requirements and costs… many AI companies sound promising but because the computing costs are so high, they may not be actually viable businesses long term.

  7. Lemme help you guys out. If you wanna be successful. Pick a fuckin skill and get good at it, apply yourself and market your skills to high paying jobs. Stop wasting your time binging “how to get rich” content on youtube because nothing is EVER that easy. Most if not all of these creators are simply profiting off you watching these horseshit videos and collecting ad revenue. Do yourself a favor and say fuck it I’m gonna learn a skill and stick to it until I get results stop hesitating and stop debating. No one ever made it big by sitting around waiting to get inspired by the right youtube video.

  8. Forever and ever… Great video and really like the humor together with those great ideas you mention, go open! Open source powered AGI is where we age going… haha

  9. I'm sick of lerning, web3, and this is draining me, going to cancun for 3 days and as soon as i get back im going to get the udemy course 4 how to gpt

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