Netmaker Demo: Multi-cluster, Multi-cloud, and Hybrid Apps on Kubernetes with a WireGuard VPN

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In this demonstration, we show a full WireGuard mesh VPN between 3 clouds and a data center, as well as multi-cluster networking, and a hybrid app running between a pod in the cloud and a bare metal server on-prem.

MicroK8s (a Kubernetes distribution), is deployed between three environments (AWS, Linode, data center), and the network between the nodes is bridged over the mesh. In DigitalOcean, a k3s cluster is deployed. The MicroK8s cluster is given access to the k3s cluster pod and service network via an “egress gateway,” which is deployed as a pod on the k3s cluster.

A hybrid application is deployed between the MicroK8s cluster and a bare metal server running MySQL. The bare metal server is added as a node on the MicroK8s mesh VPN, and a pod running wordpress connects to the MySQL DB using the WireGuard tunnel address.

Finally, a laptop is added to the network via an Ingress Gateway. The laptop is then able to access the full network, including the pod network directly, allowing access to an NGinx pod via browser with the pod IP address.


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