ChatGPT in Python for Beginners – Build A Chatbot

In this video, I’ll teach you how to create your very own ChatGPT chatbot from scratch, even if you’re a beginner. I’ll demonstrate three different versions of the chatbot, starting with the simplest one. All you need to follow along are Visual Studio Code, Python, and an OpenAI account with a secret key. Then, I’ll show you how to build a ChatGPT-powered chatbot that can remember previous conversations and even how to test it out. In the final part of the video, I’ll introduce a new tool that allows you to set up your chatbot in a browser and share it with others. If you would like to see more videos like this, leave me a comment below!

VS Code IDE:
API Keys:


0:00 Step By Step
0:38 Basics
07:01 Next Level
10:11 Customize

#chatgptapi #chatgpt #ai


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  1. I was thinking around the comment I left you and just got it that with just proper voice over I can double this views in no time( real people but different region ) I

  2. This is fantastic!! thanks for your video. I wonder if we can train it with some extensive texts I've written, and, instead of calling a a digital psychoanalyst, it would be a digital version of ME. So let's say I create a traveling website and I want people to ask the digital me questions about the trips, wether it suits them or not based on their need. Can we do that?

  3. i got an error when try to do pip install. ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\Users\13474\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\~cripts\pip.exe'

    Consider using the `–user` option or check the permissions.

  4. This was the most helpful tutorial for this out there, thank you.

    Can you tell us how to integrate our chatbot into a Squarespace website as a permanent feature?


  5. Good day. I hope you can help with this. I have a file of about 20k words. I want to use Chatgpt to make a course out of it. What am I trying to do is this, I want to use chatgpt to focus every answer to my query based on the file I have. Please please!!!!

  6. Have I missed a step? When I get up to "pip (or pi3) install openai" it says "pip3 : The term 'pip3' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again"?

  7. Great tutorial, but for some reason I ran out of tokens on the free plan. I was trying to do a similar thing and make a program that calls on GPT's API to generate responses, but it has always said I have exceeded my quota. Maybe my testing counted towards my credits, even though I don't think the program ever gave me a ChatGPT response.

  8. This was great – would love to know how to take this and have it reference a unique data source – i.e chatbot based off of a specific text file

  9. Brother, you blow my mind, awesome video everything was perfect, i love your videos. video is so simple for understand and easy to execute, its give me a confidence i can build my own chatbot!!

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