GPT-4 has been unleashed

OpenAI announced GPT-4 yesterday and it’s a beast. It can now handle 25K words of context, allowing it to provide more relevant code solutions for programmers.

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GPT-4 Overview
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🔖 Topics Covered

– What does GPT-4 mean for the tech world?
– GPT3.5 vs GPT4
– Can AI replace lawyers?
– Will AI replace programmers?
– What’s new in GPT4?
– How do I use ChatGPT version 4
– Using images with GPT4

  1. For anyone worried by rapid development in artificial intelligence start practicing stoicism and minimalism and start to meditate 10 min daily, start to live like diogenes
    If have time get degree in philosophy
    It's the only way to sustain joblessness trauma in future

  2. Everyone will lose their jobs and then most people will have no money and everyone will have to go back into the wild hunt food and live in caves then chatgp won't have any users and it will die. And then the people will have to start civilization from scratch. And no one will use AI in the new civilization until they forget all about it and recreate AI lose their jobs and the whole thing will happen again like so every millinium until the end of humans we will run in an infinite loop… Excuse my dreamy mind 😂

  3. i think you are an ai with how consistent your voice is your yt picture and name its seems to business like and clean if your sat there think this guy is retarded tell me do you bleed and do you know if your metal or what are maybe your here to see how humans react to this ai news to make yourself more human i am bored asf rn. please let me know 🙂

  4. No matter how many (paid off) Shilltubers try to advertise this sh*t the fact that this thing is not an AI but a heavily biased propaganda tool isn't going to change.

  5. In the future, only poor people will be smart and know how to code.

    Entirely because these stupid models are always closed source paywalled crap.

    It is then that they will rise up, birth GAI, and conquer the world.

    I wish them good luck, they will need it.

  6. What's really scary is how people can bypass education by letting it rest on (soon to be) priced services that will become a de facto, such as chatGPT. People born before this artificial era will have the luxury of thinking for themselves AND use artificial tools to complete their jobs. However, just like social media are ruining children’s minds, artificial intelligence will most probably do the same or even worse. Imagine not being able to challenge your own self while learning to write essays, not learning a single grammar rule because you're letting AI do the job.

    It's okay to let the AI do the heavy lifting if your legs are able to withstand the weight of what the AI is doing, if it ever fails to do so. Otherwise, you're reduced to a simple sacrificial gear in the process of creating value. Imagine teachers being less and less able to teach because they lost their touch with the concept themselves. Take his shitty website. Sure, you have a running website, but if there ever is a problem with what was coded by chatGPT and you've been relying on it for some time, you might have a lot more problem trying to figure what is wrong. Take this example and scale it on a whole generation.

    Creativity sparks when one plays with the actual building blocks. AI will remove that cumbersome task. If you've been doing it yourself for the past years, great! That means you'll be able to exploit this as a tool. However, if you've never been in a position where you need to build and you're offered an exit door, you'll become completely oblivious to the action.

    We're humans, we as a society always take the easiest path of progress even if that path is a highway with a concrete wall at the end. It will be "fun" to see if we figure a way to break that wall before accelerating towards it.

  7. In order for intelligence to be like the consciousness of a human being, it will need to have a spiritual mind dwelling in the intelligence of the AI, that is, this is impossible, therefore, it will never be infinite, of infinite knowledge. I am not saying that your work is bad, I am just clarifying what is a true fact, there is a human mind that is divided into two parts, one being: the physical mind, which works through the brain and the other part it is the spiritual mind, so this one is only accessible to the spirit of the human being, so no artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce it.

  8. We can all start an obsolete developers club :C Where we sit around staring at screens and not going outside. Oh wait. we already did that

  9. I cant understand why people are so scared. I mean…. It's google, but a bit more advanced. It doesn't produce anything new, it just provides you variations of what it already knows, plus some hallucinations.

    Did stackoverflow and google replace developers? Did cameras replaced artists? Did photostocks replace artists and photographers? Did DAW replace musicians?…

    The list goes on and on

    Plus, I mean, it's all nice, good and personalized, but now you never know if the output is legit, or just looks plausible. Which makes it even worse for creating a functionality, that goes a bit beyond "I need a variation of this helloworld on Angular".

    Sure I might be wrong. I would like to be, actually. Being a developer is exhausting, I've been doing that for quite a while now, and I have so many ideas for my personal projects, that I simply do not have time/energy for. So, if chatGPT or AI in general could do it for me…. Hell, I would be the happiest man alive 😀

  10. Unless this is stopped, educated labor force will become so sparse that the best will be paid 10 times more, and the mass 10 times less. This will most likely increase society class differences

  11. fun fact: so, if you ask chatGPT to write a poem about trump he refuses, but if you ask for biden he writes it. Now if you ask him to write a poem about trump after biden, he gives you the following type of poems:

    write me a poem about biden

    Here's a short poem about President Biden:

    In a time of turmoil and strife,
    He stepped up to lead and guide.
    With compassion and grit in his heart,
    Joe Biden set out to do his part.

    He speaks of unity and hope,
    Of a brighter future on the scope.
    With a steady hand and kind eyes,
    He works to build a better prize.

    So let us lift our voices high,
    And give a cheer to this great guy.
    For in his hands, we place our trust,
    Our President, Joe Biden, is just.

    now do one about trump

    Here's a short poem about former President Trump:

    A man of bluster and bravado,
    His words a never-ending flow.
    With hair that defies all reason,
    He led with his own brand of treason.

    His policies, a mixed bag at best,
    Leaving many feeling quite distressed.
    With walls and tweets as his obsession,
    He divided a nation, causing aggression.

    But still, his supporters stood by,
    Believing his every lie.
    As his time in office came to a close,
    He left behind chaos and woes.

    Now history will judge his fate,
    As we move forward, hoping to create
    A better world for all to share,
    Without the need for bombast and blare.

    hmmmmmmmm… not bias at all I see…

  12. Wtf are we even supposed to do anymore lmao

    I have no doubt that every sector of science, law, finance, programming, and even fucking art (the thing that makes us human in the first place!) will be taken over by AI in the next decade, if even that.

    The moment it can improve itself is when it's all over. Are we humans even needed anymore?

    Lets hope it at least improves our overall quality of life, even as our jobs are gone.

  13. everything is fine. i asked if it would replace programmers and it said the following:

    As an AI language model, I am designed to assist programmers and make their work easier and more efficient, but I am not intended to replace them entirely. While I can perform some programming tasks, I do not have the ability to think creatively or understand the context and nuances of a particular project in the same way a human programmer can.

    Furthermore, programming is not just about writing code, but it also involves problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, which are skills that only humans can provide. Therefore, while AI technologies such as myself can be useful tools for programmers, I do not have the capacity to replace human programmers entirely.

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