Cursor For Xbox Controller | Tutorial 2 | Project Spark

In this video, I show you how to make a cursor that is controlled with an xbox controller.

Here is a solution mindcraftmax came up with. I don’t know how the first line works… but it does 😀

One thing I didn’t say in the video: MAKE THE CUBES ACCELERATION AS FAST AS POSIBBLE

Want to see all of the code in 10 seconds? Go to 9:22

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  1. Hey is there a way that i can get in touch with you. Im working on a tower defense game, and some things are based off of your exo defense, but i can't make a title screen work right. Plus it would be nice to have someone else help me with balancing towers and enemy health.

  2. Okay so I've got my objects going into my inventory but I ran into two things. My cursor won't drag anything and the first object spawned has a zero count and it won't count it towards my global amount. Any thoughts. I went over your inventory video like 5 times. Lol

  3. I am trying to use this in conjunction with your Inventory tutorial but I just can't seem to get it to work. I followed the tutorial to the letter as best I could cross-platform but the most I can do is open up the Inventory which has ten black squares(I made ten slots) and a drop area beneath it. I pretty much just can't move around in the inventory at all. Any tips?

  4. Koded mine exactly like the video but when I press Y (the button I assigned to Inventory), My character will open the inventory but the Cursor does not appear until I press Y again to close the inventory. It's backwards, I want the cursor in the inventory screen and disappear when I close it so I can move around. Did I mess something up?

  5. For your code, I have a little optimization: there is a "clamp" tile. So you can replace the four lines WHEN [position] [z] |greater than] [origin] [z] [plus] [1] DO" etc. by:
    WHEN DO [position] [z] [equals] [clamp] [position] [z] [min] [origin] [z] [minus] [1] [max] [origin] [z] [plus] [1]
    And a second line for [position] [x]
    Mescad is doing wonderful short tutorials on very specific things in PS. And he has done one on clamp: Clamping a Variable in Project Spark

    But I'm sure you don't need all that code and that logic cube to make a simple cursor. 2 lines should be enough (plus one for the display). Maybe even one, because the "left stick" vector can use the x and y coordinates sometimes (but I don't know exatly when). I'll give you the one line code once I find it.

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