T 28 Trojan crash – 2023 Hungary ( Börgönd ) Aircraft

Father and son may have lost their lives in the accident. Three people were seriously injured, one was slightly injured. Two of the injured are children.

September 2023 Their plane crashed at Börgönd airport in Hungary during a demonstration flight. According to press reports, there were two people on board, a father and his son.

An American T28 Trojan was performing a demonstration flight when it lost speed during a spin maneuver and crashed. Most likely, the pilot started the maneuver at a lower speed than necessary, and the plane “slipped”. If the height had been higher, there would still have been time to correct it, so there was still a chance.

  1. You have got to establish the correct inverted attitude to hold altitude, and the forward stick force is quite significant, and if you are not strapped in properly and end up "falling into your straps" makes pushing forward even harder to do.
    I doubt that the pilots/s practiced this manoeuvre at a safe altitude beforehand.

  2. What a stupid,irresponsible pilot. Basic skill set pulling moves with no brain input and no
    Coordination with correct input for the manouvre to succeed.
    Just succeeded in killing,maiming,those he had around him at the time,snd destroyed a beautiful aircraft in the process.
    When tragedy is avoidable….but inspired by stupidity.
    This shit just makes you angry.
    Don't get me wrong..
    I love Vintage Warbirds,Air shows,Aviation,and the the smell of Avgas.
    Its just that innocent people have been killed,disfigured and left to pay the invoice for this pilots folly.

  3. No forward stick inverted.
    Very poor to no top rudder.
    The likely intended aileron roll turned into a low altitude barrel roll
    That kills em every time.
    Another case of more money than skill. F them though, i hope their estate gets sued for everything they had for burning up those poor kids on the ground.

  4. Both occupants died. Three people on the ground (a young girl, a woman and a man) suffered serious burns. A little boy was slightly injured. My condolences to the family.

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