Minecraft Mythology: THE TROJAN WAR

This is the story of the Minecraft Greek myth of the Trojan War and Iliad. This is an epic tale about war, the costs of war, and the smallest things like a minecraft golden apple which started the massive domino of events. The war ended thanks to Odysseus’ idea to construct the Trojan Horse. That’s what we witness in this storytelling video. Our story begins with Paris who lived in the once mighty city of Troy.


  1. ATHRODITE? Warn me like 5 business days in advance before spelling that atrociously bruh. You hit me with the one-two clap combo of calling Eris "Ares" and then coming out with Athrodite


  2. for anyone wondering who was the soldier that wounded Aphrodite and Ares, he was Diomedes and If i recall he wasnt a simple soldier but a badass underepresented ( in media) king

  3. oversimplified just uploaded a two-part video series on the Punic Wars. and he might upload a sequel series on Hannibal. do you think you could make a Minecraft stage of the Punic War and Hannibal invading Rome?

  4. I was about to say you did an amazing job until something caught my attention. Specifically at 6:47* where you mention "Patroclus, Achille's best friend and lover" so i would like to clarify something. I don't know what was your source for this video but nowhere in the Iliad is mentioned or left in question such thing. So please be careful with what you choose to base your videos on because there is context which is obviously missing and that leads to a ton of misconceptions. It is a light-hearted comment so i hope you understand why i am saying this. See you!
    P.S. The Trojan War was actually one of the 2 biggest civil wars of Ancient Greece (the other being the Peloponessian Wars) since Trojans were actually Greeks (Troy-Τροία is a Greek name and the location of it was clolonized by Greeks during 9-8BC) so seperating them is innacurate (many people do confuse them despite being Greeks but i wanted to mention that for the sake of the video accuracy).

  5. As a Greek this was really well done with great detail missed a few things like a God helping Paris snipe Achilles and Achilles being warned of killing Hector will kill him and the leader of Troy asking Achilles for a truce to bury Hector Which he agrees otherwise it's really well made good job👍

  6. Achilles was dipped into the river Styx Wich granted invunrability to any person Achilles gaind invunrability but there were two weak spots that was not dipped into the river and that was his heels

  7. there are some inaccuracies like how appolo actually stripped the armor off patroclus because the wearer of the armor would be invincible and hector ran away from achilles it was pretty good

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