Number go up: Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse – Part 2 | Saifedean Ammous and Lex Fridman

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Saifedean Ammous is an Austrian economist and author of The Bitcoin Standard and The Fiat Standard.

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  1. Bitcoin was a proof of concept. It cant keep up with huge numbers of transactions. XRP is the useful version of Bitcoin, made by the same guys.

  2. The benefits of fiat money are that it allows things such as mics, studios and financial history ignorants that didnt know how bad life was before fiat to spew their "controversial, good for views" bs for millions to listen too. They're lazy to bc they dont want to invest, want their money to pay them interest just because it exists and because they breathe.
    Gold standard was a medieval methodology. And the alternative is not necessarily hyperinflation, foil heads.

  3. I was following him just fine until he flamed other markets for being bubbles. Why would he argue for the long term adoption of crypto but trash talk the short term bubble of the markets? Long term stock portfolios provide protection against inflation just like BTC, and are backed by real companies. Who would save their long term retirement money in a freaking bank account? He failed to connect the dots here.

  4. I can't over emphasize enough how badly timed 'bit coin' is in relation to the imperative challenge of reducing global CO2 levels asap. Until that part of bitcoin is 'fixed' it is currently the most dangerous trend in global finance.

    Your money is going to be worthless in a burning world, as is our freedom.

  5. All these guys have a simplistic analysis that assumes that the "powers that be" won't find a hundred ways to both combat crypto currencies AND to suck the benefit out of it for themselves.

  6. He’s totally wrong at the 5:00 mark. Even though it has a finite supply, BTC can be manipulated like other commodities e.g. gold, silver, copper etc. because when the BTC ETFs come along, paper contracts will be used the destroy the price to favour those who want it higher or lower at any given moment.

  7. Great analogy to the Trojan horse.

    however in the true sense of a Trojan. Bitcoin is the horse. A false flag.

    If Banking = The auto industry.
    Bitcoin is AC propulsion.
    Ripple are Tesla.

  8. It blows my mind how one minute this dude speaks about what real money is(physical value) and then the next says crypto(which is fiat currency not physical value) is just like real money, he either doesn't understand his one words or is selling the pyramid scheme of crypto to stack his own pockets

  9. Tether has been used to manipulate the price of bitcoin…
    There are investigations into this currently, as well as the exchanges…something no one wants to talk about…

  10. To be clear, he is talking about Bitcoin exclusively here, not just any crypto. I would like to understand how even though 0.01% of BTC holders have a little more than 25% of all of the coins in existence, that it is still a viable alternative currency for the world going forward. Can anyone help me with this?

  11. Bitcoin is a Trojan horse, for cbdc’s. If bitcoin were made illegal how many people would be willing to use it? People closed their businesses because the government told them to close, they aren’t going to use bitcoin if the government says no. If the government says yes to bitcoin it will only be because they can control it.

  12. My personal conspiracy: bitcoin may be a trojan horse against the *people*. Perhaps the anonymous Satoshi was a group at DARPA or something similar. And once Bitcoin is sufficiently capitalized with all the clever people's money, they switch on their quantum computer and shoot it out of the sky like a clay pigeon. You will own nothing and love it.

    The number-go-up technology is too enticing for us to pass up. Those in power don't care about numbers. The like power-go-up technology.

    I plan to DCA out into guns, gold, and land at a certain level. This is 4D chess, y'all.

  13. Bitcoin isn't private. It was created by the deep state. And they did it very smartly. I own some but this is how people move into digital currencies. This plan has been going on since the mid 1990s. My opinion.

  14. Central banks aren’t government, yet everyone thinks so… Central banks control government hence the whole world struggle for everything; money, power, and information. Crypto currency is liberation for this traitorous practice. Screw these people who continue to suffocate the world when technology can provide liberation for everyone on the planet!

  15. The appeal of Bitcoin is the technology of de-centralized "currency" with a finite supply. The problem is, the technology isn't unique to Bitcoin, and the finite supply is meaningless, since you can create an endless supply of other cryptocurrencies with identical characteristics of Bitcoin. This is dutch tulips all over again. The technology introduced with cryptocurrency is valuable, conceptually it has already changed the world, but we live in the information age, information is free. Bitcoin is a pump and dump scheme at this point.

  16. 5:08 you can crash the price by being a large holder and selling it en-masse. Governments are capable of doing this, so are the ultra-wealthy. Which means that despite the decentralized nature of bitcoin, controlling a lot of it counter-intuitively can make the levers of control around it centralized.

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