王輝耀:中美貿易戰史無前例和'報警' |與半島電視台交談











「因此,如果中國真的受到這場貿易戰的打擊,那麼來自其他地區,來自其他國家的所有其他供應商將會 [be] 受影響的…因此,作為回報, [an] 對美國的影響也是如此。因此,我看不出世界經濟將如何保持如此強勁的增長,然後才變得有效。」


「特朗普和中國總統在上個月達成的這一部分協議絕對至關重要。因為如果我們不這樣做,我的意思是世界上兩個最大的經濟大國,然後,如果它們真的在奮鬥……其他所有國家將絕對地遭受苦難,然後,我們可能將世界拖入衰退中,這也是有可能的,我們可能還會發生另一場金融危機,因為這確實 [an] 令人震驚的情況。」

  1. Trump wants China to buy more from us. China has no problems with that. It needs more pork, soybeans and many farm products. But because of the prolonged trade war, many other countries have increased their exports at competitive prices. Now US has to compete with them for the market shares. China becomes a buyer market. To ease domestic consumer demand China can even remove farm product tariffs altogether. This can be a win for Trump and a win for China.

  2. January 2020 15
    Trump will sign
    The death certificates of America
    It is very sad the strongest country in the world to be died by single man signature

  3. Communism is the solution
    do not give people worthless money ,give them what they need
    What is the problem in the United States?
    In United States a lot of people they cannot buy what they need…why?
    Because they don』t have enough money, the prices are higher than their income
    How we solve the problem
    Tow solution
    1/ the trivial solution give people money so they can buy what they need…but prices not controlled by the government it is controlled by the market
    2/the right solution give people what they need at lower prices…..this against capitalism
    Before America government buy what people produce in exchange of printed money, then America government throws these products in the ocean
    This America government decided instead of printing money, bringing money from china it to low income people
    After signing the deal immediately prices will go higher and higher, because it will be expected that many people their income will be increased
    Trump will sign the death certificates of America
    The end of civilization

  4. Trump deal with china and the end of the world
    The greatest country in the earth will be ended by one man signature
    Trump he will sign the deal of the collapse of America

  5. The USA was never able to break from its primitive past. The major cultural events, the civil war, the wild west, WW2, and Christianity still drive their ambitions. The Vietnam war drained the cultural momentum of ww2, but western movies were substituted.
    The USA is living in the past and using their credit card to pay for the fantasy world.
    China broke from the past, but it took 50 years of brutal communism to do that.

  6. How rest of the world can believe a dictatorship type regime sayings. Chinese not only setting trade barrier but also highly control its domestic market, which they signed and promised when they enter the WTO?

  7. Chinese needs is to keep working hard and fast, sooner or later, nobody should question China affairs !!! Weaponised the nuke for peace !

  8. Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement in the People's Republic of China from 1966 until 1976. Launched by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to preserve Chinese Communism by purging remnants of capitalist and TRADITIONAL elements from Chinese society. So how is a 5,000 year old society relevant today?

  9. Surprise surprise! The guy from China denies that China is a currency manipulator since of course China would ADMIT TO currency manipulation!

  10. Oh yeah internationalize the uighur camp and human organ harvesting ok China! I don't think any Hong konger would want to cross the border and go to China!

  11. Trump's showing off and wishful-thinking-out-loud about the trade war.
    He still doesn't understand about the complexities of world trade. He still says that China is paying for the tariffs on Chinese goods coming into the US. He still thinks that a trade deficit is what China steals from the US each year.
    You can't help a person like that when he's too stupid.

  12. Compared to 20-30 years ago, the living standard and overall infrastructure of China have improved tremendously. Most Chinese people are proud of the achievement of their Government. This is a relatively safe country to live in.

  13. The general public is too naive to believe Trump. If the trade deficit is not with China it will be another country. All these bs about national security threat for china tech giants is to suppress china so they don't surpass USA which is happening regardless. This is exactly what they did to Japan in the 80s. The national debt is going up faster than ever under Trump. Recession is on it's way and will hit harder than ever. God bless America.

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