斯蒂芬·摩爾(Stephen Moore):2020年大選如何影響美中貿易戰 [Eagle Council Special]

在第48屆年度菲利斯·施拉弗里伊鷹委員會上,我們與遺產基金會的經濟學家斯蒂芬·摩爾坐在一起,他在制定特朗普總統的經濟政策中發揮了重要作用。他還是《 Trumponomics:在美國振興我們的經濟的第一計劃》一書的合著者。






史蒂夫·班農(Steve Bannon):關於華為的新片《紅龍之爪》,香港抗議和中美貿易戰



格羅弗·諾奎斯特(Grover Norquist):特朗普減稅和放鬆管制對美國和世界經濟的「僅僅是個開始」

美中貿易戰和香港抗議揭露中國的嚴重弱點史蒂芬·莫舍(Steven Mosher)

  1. If China refuses a final settelment, it will be time to start slowly pulling back the production we currently do in China. China could hardly miss the message.

  2. If the Demorats get in, there would be war in the U.S.A…. AT…After Trump, we may be headed that way anyway

  3. The date of new tariffs moved up, because the Chinese didn't want tariffs interfering with the 70th Anniversary of the CCP. I think they are hoping Trump loses in 2020 and will wait him out. They said that they will "eat grass" if they have to.

  4. please also say that these left wing nuts wacko fuck-job piles of shit will also fuck the environment with high cost energy. It's high cost energy that is fucking the worlds environment!!!!!

  5. It would not surprise me one bit if the Democrat deep state had something to do with China walking back the deal we had reached and almost finalized over the summer. There are several Dems with longstanding relationships with china . Also they are very aware that if Trump got a deal it would be a win for his administration and they would do just about anything to stop that from happening.

  6. The china didn't play on the rule of the west, their state capitalism destroyed the private companies in the west. such as Nortel, steel companies a lot more.

  7. Would like to see Trump stop delaying additional tariffs because China will wait till after the election hoping for a Democrat win who they can manipulate. Think back to the Vietnam "peace talks." They rented villas while USA hotels. They had no intention of agreeing as saving face EVERYTHING.

  8. "Trade war is easy to win"?Believe me, with or without Trump, there will not be any deal unless every things are back to normal. Is China really looks that bad economically? Is there plenty of homeless people on the street and the rest living on pay check to pay check? But for sure, Trumponomics really works here inside the American dream!

  9. Fair trade, or NO trade, unless we have stabilizing tariffs. Some in China are going to be looking for a new job when Trump is re-elected.

  10. Did Steve Moore talk with any business owners in the high tech business? I guess that he spoke with the business owners in a prayer conference. Without high tech business in Silicon Valley, the US is a third world country, just look at the states in the midwest.

  11. Is it probable that Biden』s visit to China included passing a message to Beijing that included a request to keep the trade problems in place until the election then Biden would have a freer hand if elected?

  12. I don't agree, China poses a security threat everyday to our men and women military in asia. When China has good economy watch how their military behave. They are arrogant and agressive. Look at South China Sea in last 5 years. If that's not a security threat then what is? I will only vote for a president who will stand up against China and Russia militarily and economically. It's not up to any party to squander everything we built since WWII. It's been paid for by the american tax payers and blood, sweat and tears of our military.

  13. This guy is suggesting" More of The Same' w China.. Decouple and Isolate is needed.. He also suggests nobody knows if China is waiting Trump out.. Of Coarse they're waiting him out.. playin Trump like a cheap fiddle in the mean time.. And they will do whatever they can to help a democrat get elected in 2020.. Selling out the American worker for cheap shit is treason.. More sounds soft on Huawei National Security threat and IP theft and thinks we can handle these issued separately from a trade deal all for a bunch of cheap shit.. China has the will to wait until the end of a Trump second term.. More calls himself a Republican but he's a globalist.. fuck the Globalist.. In the end he talks about being Patriotic while he's for using cheap Chinese labor instead of providing jobs for Americans.. Americans need to make our own shit and don't bitch about paying a little more for it. If it aint made here , Dont buy it.! Dumb Asses..

  14. Everyone here should watch the China Hustle on Amazon. China has NO intention of ever giving us access to their markets. Nor will they ever punish anyone for stealing IP or fraud. They need to be kicked out of the WTO and we need to cut ties ASAP.

  15. Oldest Chinese trick in the book. Pretend and extend. I say keep the pressure on them full throtlle. More importantly, cut off their access to American capital.

  16. I respect Mr Moore as an economist. But clearly he has not fully understood the danger of ccp. To exchange national security and even liberty and democracy of the free world for some cheap stuff from China that has been owned by ccp for about 70 years is plain suicide. Decoupling is the only right choice not only for America but for all the free world countries as well.

  17. Socialism and Communism plans can never work according to the Bible. Communists and socialism use 'justice』 to steal someone』s harvest or livelihood and refund it to themselves and institutionalize that. America was not started on that model. It was started on true, biblical economic justice. Socialism and Communism don』t work anywhere. It』s a rebellion against Genesis 3:19.

    Socialism is OPM always runs out on 「other peoples』 money.」 You run out of rich people to tax. The consumers outweigh h the producers. The incentive to start a business is destroyed in Socialism. Economic growth is stagnated in Socialism. You wonder why people keep trying this all over the place. It will never work because it rebels against God』s Word in Genesis 3:19. Someone has got to pay for it.

    Socialism is an acceptance that the government owns you. You are simply a number. It is a demonic system that will tax the people who work hard. Somebody has to pay for socialism. Socialist leaders don』t donate, it is you and I donate.

    Capitalism is the only system that rewards virtues and punishes vice. Socialism rewards sloth and penalizes hard work while capitalism rewards hard work and penalizes sloth. Socialists are spiritually bankrupt generation who view government as God. They are also a greedy generation that desires free stuff. One of the facts of life is that there are no free meals. Someone has to pay for your free education.

    Socialism goes hand in hand with abandoning God and worshiping the idol of an ever-growing government. They promise the government will become the national nanny by providing every need. Who needs God when the government will supply every need at everyone else expense. It produces parasitical class. There is a class that produces and a class that takes.

    Socialism and Democratic Socialism cannot solve the problems we created in the nations of the world by ignoring the written wisdom of our Creator, Savior and God in the Bible. Bernie Sanders and all the Democrats are very ignorant and they are never right on socialism, climate change, health nsurance, fracking and on any topics that they debated on. Very dangerous to be misled by them.

  18. As for stealing technology, American companies voluntarily went to China to partner with Chinese companies, in exchange for cheap labor & access to the large & vast China market, they agreed to transfer technology. It was business arrangements where both sides made a lot of money. Otherwise, why would American companies go there. They're not stupid.

  19. I believe that Trump have been a good leader for the U S. Very strong on many policies. However really concerned doing any trade with China due for many reasons. Main reason would drugs and organ harvesting. Why have anything to do with a government that have no regard for life? In other words I don't trust them.

  20. No need to listen to this Washington swamp creature that sees Trump as a slightly better choice than the Demonrats. Useless Rino's like Stephen Moore need to be run out of Washington.

  21. This man is the Fredo of the Corleone family. What he is proposing is what the CCP wants and has been doing all the time. Buy more soybeans, more pork, that is good enough. Don't mention human rights, don't talk about buying out American politicians and stealing technology. 
    Remember, once you separate human rights from trade, the CCP wins. Because you lose all the leverage against them.

  22. We must take a zero tolerance platform on the issues of intellectual property and national security. When it comes to the trade negations we may need to gradually build an agreement thru several agreements over time. China has built their economic success by taking advantage of our reluctance to take a hard stance on a fair trade policy. China is addicted to the theft of our manufacturing base and we are addicted to low cost products. We may both need to walk thru a process of rehabilitation.

  23. We must take a zero tolerance platform on the issues of intellectual property and national security. When it comes to the trade negations we may need to gradually build an agreement thru several agreements over time. China has built their economic success by taking advantage of our reluctance to take a hard stance on a fair trade policy. China is addicted to the theft of our manufacturing base and we are addicted to low cost products. We may both need to walk thru a process of rehabilitation.

  24. So, how is it you never ask the question "how do the companies get their money out of china" china doesn't allow the money to leave and you never ask that question….why? Its the reason I keep watching, please ask it some day

  25. Extreme is always bad. The Tea party used to cause damage to the Republicans, the extreme left now is infinitely worse. They don』t work for Americans but for Communists』 cause, in the process building their wealth while destroying America.

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