




  1. This is a lost generation of Hong Kong youths, who have been brainwashed by propaganda and activists to carry out their hidden agenda. Once the puppet masters have achieved their objectives, all these brainwashed youths will become sacrificial lambs to be left to their own demise with the authority. Unlike many of their leaders who already have foreign nationality as fallback, all these brainwashed youths will not be as fortunate.

  2. 「&^3 首里城正殿」
    I was very shocked when I heard the news that Shuri Castle in Japan was not burning.

    She solved the mystery about Shurijo Castle's relationship with the dragon and the dragonfly.

    Since the talk will be long, I will tell you the main points. I found out about the red dragonfly bamboo work.

    China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or any other country may be involved with the dragon.

    In order to go in the right direction, it is better to understand hobokushi.

    Keisei Jin people.

    Pay the world and save the suffering of the people.

    Perhaps it is important to convey this message. Hobokushi and bamboo dragonfly.

    It may be a toy that a Chinese king once had.










    h/why=yhwh=360° エディ55

  3. Demand for amnesty after having and continuing to commit unlawful and fascist acts is against the rule of law. Neither can a bank robber, arsonist, or murderer demand that their crimes be pardoned and not be labelled as a criminal by simply threatening more unlawful acts. That would be anarchy or law of the jungle.

    Boring…..same old chants, vandalism, and Molotov cocktails. Keep on regurgitating old propaganda. The radical movement is going nowhere. Other than violence for sake of violence, the movement has lost its purpose and direction. They have no idea what is the intended endgame.

  4. Carri Lam is not willing to accept the found solution demanded by the pro democracy protestors… Carri Lam the solution is founded…by the people already. The government are accountable to the people!.. Step down and allow the people to make the changes they want and demand. Simply five demands and not one less…! You Carri Lam are just trying to hold onto your five year term and you do not want to accept your CCP supported government defeat! All economic and social costs are on Carri Lams CCP backed governments shoulders, they are ultimately responsible for Hong Kongs recession and social chaos!

  5. What is the PLA going to do run over all the students with tanks and APC and shoot people like 1989 Tinaninemen square 1989? Carrie Lam has to step down she does not make any sense when she is talking, 5 demands and nothing less.

  6. If you sent chinese military there hongkong will became taiwan . Carrie lam you dont want that hongkers will beaten you in public trust me if you do that and the evil west will interfered hongkong will be like syria and iraq

  7. No need to entertain any more demand. You don't want these thugs to be the future of Hong Kong. No thanks to this brand of lawless democraZy. These sponsored thugs appeared to be worse than Nazis and Red Guards. It is about time to throw out the trash!

    Rioters who carry out violent acts (and their supporters) should not be whining when the authority responds in kind.

  8. They already have …. do your research … they are under cover with police and fly military helicopters over hk. Also Carrie lam is a ccp puppet

  9. China knows better then other countries ,How to deal with Hong Kong citizens after all Hong Kong and it's people are their people ,Give more to Hong Kong and let's see China emerge as one of the leading powerful country in World.

  10. Order out of chaos. Its only a matter of time before China and its black mirror type social scoring system take over (if not already). If you dont like the inevitable use this time to flee HK before you get travel banned. Dont destroy the country.

  11. Every weekday plus Saturday in USA, they have night shows that make fun of trump and every other political leaders, can u do that in china to xi and every other commies? duh? that's democracy to start with, need more illustration anyone?

  12. No thanks to this brand of lawless democraZy. Its anarchy at best but more like fascism when these sponsored thugs are willingly discriminating against any one sector of the society just because of their different opinion and/or affiliation.

  13. Carrie Lam has the right to do so. The police are too exhausted to deal with the rioters. Plz let the military come so that Hong Kong can have peace again.

  14. Umm China won't step in. I think they will be laughing at Hong Kong, look protesters are destroying HK why stop it. Business goes to shit, transport goes to shit, oh the reputation of HK as a tourist destination goes to shit. They won't step in they will just let HK wallow in their own problem. Let them destroy themselves.its what they want.

  15. Bruh they only care about vandalism and litter that the protesters made. The police looks weak when they state their reasoning on why they did that

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