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生活在一個被技術包圍的世界中,真是太神奇了!您無需從沙發上起床就可以點菜,甚至不用拖把就可以打掃公寓,不用司機就可以打車,還可以用聲音控制設備。夢想成真!這些只是我們每天使用的系統;想像一下當前正在開發的醫療技術…然而,這一令人難以置信的進步卻有陰暗面。一些技術不僅有用,還會造成嚴重傷害。但是,讓我們從頭開始。 。

  1. 5G are going to be used to reduce people's immune system or immune power! To weakens the body and the mind of many gradually. People may not know what they may be deploying but the effects of such radiation will gradually be inevitable! The millimeter waves can be used to interfere, collide, and controlling people's body frequencies, to shrink your body frequencies toward desirable direction depending on the areas and WHO has control of those 5G frequency radiaton.

    In Holland that has happened already where people has small houses or flats that were ridiculously way too narrow or close together, even their interjecting sounds were so disruptive, or interrupting, as if it may gave you heatwaves already for what and where the next sound is going to be (completely unhealthy for your well-being and not even to mention the air quality of those flats!)!! And who knows what else what kind of radiating tools your neighbour got right? And everybody uses wifi there, and also all the transportations! Even almost all of the public places there were also exposed to Wi-Fi!

    4G is already more powerful than the Wi-Fi. And 5G somewhat are going to be 100 times stronger ??

  2. Scientists knew super high frequencies were dangerous to humans many years ago. That's why those frequencies were only used for experimental purposes if at all. I'm sure the military has done tests. It has already been outlawed in Brussels and Geneva pending further investigation. Hundreds of doctors have said it's dangerous yet you people think it's a joke. And since there will be towers and sub amplification stations everywhere good luck trying to avoid it. A 4G signal travels along your skin. 5G penetrates your skin and organs,causing cell damage and radiation related illnesses. And don't look to your government or cell provider to help as they only care about the $. 30-300 GHZ is also harmful to your eyes and reproductive organs. Have fun laughing all the way to the hospital…

  3. Bro, reality check is here:
    I saw no numbers or papers in your video referring to test showing that 5g is dangerous. You are aware of that it is just a higher frequency band to allow greater bandwith for the higher bitrate.
    It is tricky to get a good signal as really short radiowaves have a hard time going through solid objects. Long wave as AM radio can go through solid objects, therefore can be received easily.
    People were afraid back in early 2000's that we all would have cancer in our balls from the GSM network by having the phone in our pockets. But Radiowaves do NOT send out radioactive particles. For radioactivity to be dangerous you have to get hit by physical particles, due to particle decay that shreds your DNA.
    The only thing I see in this video is someone who are afraid of what they don't understand.
    What you should be afraid of in the cities are exhaust gasses from vehicles at idle, as you breathe in unburned liquid fuel particles.

  4. It's not cool making videos of fake claims now even proven false.

    Please stop making money on this and delete it or post an update video correcting what's done wrong and all the misinformation

  5. Well what I have is 7 G』s. Smells fruity with a some earthy/piney notes also. Almost a dark sea green with nice purple hue to it. Sticky as it gets and taste just like blueberry pop tarts. ?

  6. Mind Reading Devices can be used on people who suffering Coma & use to read their mind what they seeing in their dream or thoughts or whatever.

  7. A representative of KPN, the largest mobile operator in The Netherlands, told us via Twitter that 「I can be very clear about this matter; there are no 5G tests in Den Haag. This is a complete hoax.」

  8. 5g isn't dangerous at all it is just people being paranoid to new tech
    For example when streets started being lighted by lamps the church was saying that the god would be angry because we were disbalancing day and night.
    People need just a call and they believe it.

  9. whats the difference between a human mother and a wireless baby monitor? a wireless baby monitor is not phubbing when a child is talking to it and pays attention to the child all the time.

  10. someone just needs to invent a machine that converts the juice from the smart juicer into a piss for the smart toilet and the machines can get rid of humans completely. a self-driving excavator digs mass graves in the field, smartphones display ads that there is a free entry opening of an amusement park or concert there and an autonomous military drone shoots them into the head and lets them fall into the mass grave then the self driving tractor fills up the mass graves and humans will not consume unnecessary crude oil for the fertilizer for their food anymore, smart machines will be able to use the world oil more efficiently.

  11. 5G is killing animals a round the globe, I have about 50 news articles.
    5G is toxic to humans, it operates at same frequencies as the human brain and nervous system, already banned in many european countries

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