
當Gmail於2004年4月1日向公眾發布時,許多人認為這是惡作劇。 Gmail提供了1 GB的存儲空間和強大的電子郵件搜索功能。這些功能以及其他功能使Gmail成為擁有15億用戶的世界上最常用的電子郵件服務。

自Gmail誕生以來,已經走了很長一段路。它是最主要的在線電子郵件服務,擁有超過15億的全球活躍用戶。它已經從一個小實驗變成了Google G Suite系列的重要組成部分。但是通往頂峰的道路並非一帆風順,包括艱難的開端。

到Google於1999年開始使用該服務時,Yahoo Mail已經擁有1200萬活躍用戶,而Microsoft的Hotmail則約為3000萬。

谷歌第23名員工保羅·布赫海特(Paul Buchheit)為在線電子郵件服務而戰,但高管們不了解搜索公司如何從在線電子郵件中受益。根據多份報告,當時一些高管回落了。 Buchheit將該服務創建為「 20%」項目,這是Google有時為員工提供的一項非正式計劃,供員工從事他們選擇的項目。

實際上,當Gmail啟動時,人們以為這是個玩笑。因為它是在2004年愚人節宣布的,人們想知道該公司是否正在吸引他們。但是,一旦用戶意識到它是真實的,它便成為了免費的電子郵件服務之一,與微軟的Hotmail和Yahoo Mail一樣,後者是1990年代率先引入基於網路的電子郵件的一部分。



儘管與2012年相比,電子郵件服務在競爭中表現不佳,但它仍在不斷創新。該公司仍然積極地瞄準消費者和企業用戶。它還會繼續添加創新的新功能,例如Smart Compose,它使用人工智慧來預測響應。

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  1. 1) The privacy argument is silly. NOTHING IS FREE. Workers have to get paid. If you want free software you have to pay with data or ads.
    2) Google Drive, Photos, Voice, Music, Calendar, and Contact Sync is why I am sticking with Google. I get a ton of extremely useful services for free. Additionally, it is all aggregated together which makes the platform more valuable than the sum of its parts.

  2. Gmail is only popular because of Android. They want every Android users to login only when you sign in to your google account. Remove Android from the market Gmail will lose its user base.

  3. If Google would just get back to innovating like the old days; instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Democrat SuperPAC or Tech innovator? you choose Google.

  4. Actually, when Gmail switched from html to javascript Yahoo Mail had already implemented it which is why I stayed with it. I took me over a year before I realised the options link was hidden off screen to the right because the layout didn't shrink to the window size. Then I got what I thought was an email from my dad but turned out to be the notorious virus and I was locked out of Yahoo Mail for around a year. That was pretty much the death nell for the service (for me). I'm sure Google didn't instigate that virus.. I did like the layout though, it was OK. But it is still exactly as it was about 15 years ago. They still haven't updated it.

    I liked Yahoo Mail because you could (still can in fact) compose multiple emails at once and click between the javascript tabs without reloading the page.

  5. I remember when Gmail came out and everyone was raving about it and I was all:

    「……so it』s e-mail, right?」
    People: 「Yeah it』s so amazing it is the bestest thing in the world!!!!」
    「E-Mail… right? It』s… e-mail….?!?!」
    People: 「You』re just jealous you don』t have Gmail!」
    「I have e-mail……… my ISP gives me an e-mail account, I use it all the time.」

    I never got it, when I got my Gmail account it didn』t fill anything in my life that I didn』t have before, I like it and all but it』s…. e-mail. (for the record I use e-mail, I』m not some texting internet baby idiot)

  6. "They used the advanced language called 'JavaScript'."
    Hahahahahahahahah, somebody actually called JavaScript "advanced". SMH.. (Granted it's the only "language" on the web, so you don't have any choice, but I wouldn't called it "advanced". Maybe "more flexible than HTML albeit being a totally illogical mess"…)

  7. "It wasn't quite clear how Google can benefit from an online email-service, when it was a search company."
    Isn't that pretty much the case for EVERYTHING that google does?
    To this day, pretty much the only thing they make actual money off is their search-service ads.

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