
羊駝坐騎指南!逐步指導您如何在8.3補丁中將Springfur Alpaca,Elusive Quickhoof和Mollie羊駝坐騎添加到《魔獸世界》中。新的WoW羊駝坐騎太可愛了,不容錯過。按難度排序,我將8.3個羊駝坐騎列為最容易的Springfur羊駝-難以捉摸的Quickhoof中等,然後將Mollie視作可能是最難磨的羊駝坐騎,因為您對落差的控制很少。如果您對Mollie感到幸運,那麼Elusive Quickhoof將是最艱難的羊駝坐騎。

將此腳本粘貼到您的聊天記錄中,然後按Enter鍵以查看您喂入Friendly Alpaca的進度。 (可選的)


對於Springfur羊駝,首先從Uldum河岸的Gersahl灌木叢中收集Gersahl Greens。您總共需要7個,因此您不妨存貨,然後將其保存在購物袋中。然後,您需要找到友好的羊駝。有13個生成點,它的正常運行時間為5分鐘左右,重新生成時間為5-10分鐘。如果可以的話,我建議加入友好的羊駝養殖小組,該小組可以在每個產卵點種植一個成員,以等待羊駝的出現。您需要找到並喂飼友善的羊駝7次,然後才能為您提供搜尋中的羊駝和Springfur羊駝坐騎。

對於Elusive Quickhoof羊駝坐騎,您需要在Vol’dun中找到稀有的Elusive Quickhoof羊駝NPC並向其餵食1份海濱綠葉蔬菜。您可以從Tortollan供應商那裡購買Seaside Leafy Greens雜貨,包括Brutosaur拍賣師架上的雜貨。您只需要找到一次Elusive Quickhoof,但是重生時間比Friendly羊駝長得多。像Friendly Alpaca一樣,多個人可以餵食它,並從一個Elusive Quickhoof生成物中獲得Elusive Quickhoof坐騎。

對於Mollie,您需要等待Dunegorger Kraulok成為活躍的BfA世界老闆。他們要輪班六周。一旦他站起來,就按自己的數量殺死他120個。在Mollie坐騎掉落時,增加更多的高地來種植Dunegorger Kraulok是提高賠率的唯一方法。


榛樹默奇! https://www.teespring.com/stores/hazelnuttygames


加入Squirrel Squad Discord:https://discord.gg/EQQzYyc



  1. I got lucky on the World boss , on 8th alt. and Waited for the Quzickhoof for over 3 hours on the weekend in a raid group. I am grateful I got it behind me. Good luck all of you trying ! 🙂

  2. You do get the Springfur Alpaca on the 7th time you feed a Friendly Alpaca. You just have to accept the new (yellow) quest the Friendly Alpaca offers you (the mount being the reward) after the 7th feeding.
    It can be easy to miss if you are in a hurry or other people are standing on top of the Alpaca.

  3. Umm unless they removed the way it works the uldum mount just needs to be fed seven times. So just be in grouping not raid and do it together. Day one! Swap to new group people wanting to do it and get credit for their feeds as well. Then they can do same rinse repeat until despawn. Just thought this could help some people save time.

  4. There is a macro on Wowhead under the comments that map the spawn sites for the friendly alpaca. I use it along with a friendly alpaca group.

  5. i was farming mollie and it didnt drop so i thought "wth, ill look for a group doing quickhoof caz its in the same place". join a group and not 5 mins in (enough time for me to buy the leafy greens from the turtles up north) some one finds it. i get to it with 2 mins left

  6. I got in a group of 40+ people, who had been camping already for like 8 hours before I joined, I camped the rest of the 4 hours since someone heard that tha respawn can take up to 12 hours. We either missed it or got phased, since nothing happened. A day later tho, I was just doing dailies, and decided to join a new group, and immediately one of them goes "Found it !" and got the mount. It felt good, especially after the first attempt ^^

  7. i dont think its a 1% drop rate bc i've seen a lot of ppl get the mount in less than 10 tries.. maybe they're just all lucky (including me) tho!

  8. Hazel I love your videos, so cheerful, entertaining and funny. And I have your voice pack on DBM, never fails to put a smile on my face when I hear your voice shouting "run away" or "you should really kick that"!
    Keep up the excellent work, best wishes from an old teddybear in England x

  9. I was trying to get the Elusive Quickhoof first time I saw it, it kicked me and ran away. Second time I found it, I got it not too bad or I guess I'm just lucky.

  10. If youre going to put out an informative video at least have your facts straight. the alpaca doesnt only stay up for 5 minutes after it spawns. it stays up for 5 minutes after the first person has interacted with it. so it will be up a lot more frequent in the distant future

  11. An important note for the Springfur Alpaca: You have to feed it for 7 days and then you get it on the 8th day, you do not get it right after feeding it the 7th time. I've seen a lot of people confused about this in Uldum general chat so I wanted to mention it! Edit: Well apparently it was hot fixed! I got mine before it was hot fixed to work in a raid and it popped up on the 8th day, not the 7th so they must have fixed that as well. On the 7th day all I had was the blue daily quest to feed it, nothing else. Then I went back the next day and it only had the yellow quest to get the mount, not the daily to feed it before hand.

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