

我正在深入研究通信服務行業,以尋找2020年5G,電信和媒體領域的最佳股票。由於去年發生的變化,這對投資者來說現在是一個危險的領域。 5G的庫存可能激增,但流媒體戰爭正在加劇。您絕對必須知道如何挑選合適的股票來購買。

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CFA約瑟夫·霍格(Joseph Hogue)在機構公司和銀行擔任了近十年的投資分析師。現在,他通過債務還清策略,投資和節省更多資金的方法,幫助人們了解他們的財務生活。他曾出現在彭博社和CNBC和Morningstar等網站上。他擁有特許金融分析師(CFA)的稱號,並且是海軍陸戰隊的資深人士。

  1. Hey there! After the Sprint and T-mobile merge, do you think Verizon is still a good buy for 2020, can you please elaborate on your decision? I appreciate it. Your videos are amazing, thank you again!

  2. Please, 2 minute and intro. at the most. You already explain why you chose each stock when you get to them. A 6-7 minute intro is just obnoxious. I like your stock picks and explanations, but I rarely listen to the very long intro』s and have to skip through it. Most of the time I just skip your videos because of it.
    Also, maybe do another video for the funds, I came for the stocks and have to navigate through the funds you do after the intro and before the stock picks. Just some advice from someone who likes your videos after the intro and fund portion. Just get to the stocks and why, please.

  3. Semper Fi Marine. If that's your shadowbox in the back (which I don't know why it wouldn't be) then I'll go with a Marine brother and listen to what you have to say.

  4. I just invested in XLC before watching this. So glad I made the call. I really like that big chunk of FB. Also, I know FB has a lot of potential and is deff not going anywhere anytime soon, but is $220 worth it right now? Or just wait for a bigger dip?

  5. I'm thinking of buying KDDI from Japan instead of Verizon/AT&T. Seems to be more stable, good dividend, good future prospects and better diversification (not just US Stocks).

  6. Hi Joseph, my fav dividend/distribution play atm is CJLU.SI, which is like a MLP but for optic fibre. It is pretty much a monopoly in the city it serves, and will benefit from 5G. It owns and maintains the optic fibre network and charges the telcos a fee to use the network. I've been trying to find similar trusts for optic fibre networks in other cities but have been unable to find any. Do you know of any other such setups, or is the laying and maintenance of optic fibre networks left to the individual telcos in the U.S.?

  7. Good vid. Be careful when you say 「only 2 analyst cover the stock…」 as many analysts do not submit their estimates to FactSet/Bloomberg/Refinitiv anymore after mifid2 (e.g. I am an analyst on a stock where I know there are 13 analysts in total but every data source says 2-5 analysts…)

  8. I wanted to ask you if Ko is a good company stock to buy into. They are coming out with infused marijuana coke.Child proof lid. Coke is opening up in Canada coming up to this new brew. My feeling was buy into this. Coke is Buffets favorite? The share is 55.06 a share. I could only reach out to you to see if it was a good choice. I bought 18.,only 1001. I did reach out to Webull and got an account for January. T Rowe price charges 9.95 a trade. Thanks for always answering all of us. ❤️

  9. Enjoy your channel, just got through talking to a friend about why I sold some of my laggers, shares 50% down, and he never heard of the concept tax-loss harvesting. I know it's not for everyone but knowledge is power.
    Could you do a video on tax-loss harvesting?

  10. Thanks for the video. I like the VZ and the reasons on why it is better pick than others. To have 5G covered, it seems that you would have to have chipmaker and software to go with the carrier. Are you going to do more on chipmakers or semiconductors? These are difficult to analyze from my experience. I would like to see your take on these industries..

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