
我們距離奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮只有兩天的路程。今年可能會有很大的煩惱和瘋狂的可能性,所以我可能會考慮準確度低於60%的年份。我們將看到它如何顯示。 。

  1. You made me laugh! ? When you said you』re crossing the bridge for Parasite, I lost it!!! The other day, I saw 1917; it』s good, but also emotionally draining. Parasite, on the other hand, moves like an Alfred Hitchcock film: just when you think it』s headed in one direction, the film switches gears and pulls the rug right from under your feet. I』m with you, man-Parasite is my personal pick for Best Picture, along with Best International Film and Best Original Screenplay. In other words, you』re not alone. ?

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